In our society if you want to insult someone deeply you call them a liar. No word has started more conflicts throughout history. People take great exception to the word "liar," as lying has been passed down in stories through the ages as one of the worst things a person can do to another.
We have the ancient story of Judas who lied to Jesus and the rest of the disciples. We have the story of how Brutus lied to Julius Caesar and then participated in his murder.
The moral behind lying is that it can cause disaster and that it has the potential to lead the people being lied to into an ambush, which often ends with their early demise.
Today we walk into the area of lying carefully but we also walk carrying very strong proof that a calculated game is being played right now, where the fibbing around vaccines has been carefully orchestrated to achieve goals that are not being discussed in the mainstream media.
It is not only accelerated vaccine sales that are resulting from the fibbing, which is now common in an industry that bases its' income on selling you chemicals in the name of health.
1. In last week's CBS investigative report it was found that government agencies in charge of accumulating data on "confirmed cases" of swine flu and swine flu fatalities exaggerated the data wildly in order to sell "vaccine based fear" to the public. In some areas the actual swine flu confirmations were only 1% of what was actually reported to the public. In that case the remaining 99% of people (that were said to have the swine flu but did not)the majority did not even have the regular flu.......they just had colds and other minor issues.
2. Many media outlets and government agencies are stating that no more mercury exists in a vaccine than is in a can of tuna. Unfortunately this is not true what so ever and tuna has already been declared to exceed government guidelines for mercury anyway! The average can of tuna contains 0.35ppm of mercury. Here is the insert from the actual Canadian H1N1 vaccine and the mercury content appears to be listed as 5ppm.
As we can see here the amount of mercury within a vaccine far exceeds government toxicity limits for mercury. What is in a vaccine is considered toxic. As we can see here the Canadian government warns children and pregnant women to avoid eating Tuna because of the smaller amounts of mercury in it but also is giving pregnant women and children vaccines that have 14 times more mercury content than said Tuna. People are also not eating the mercury in vaccines (70% of your immune system is in the gut)....vaccines inject the mercury past your immune system.
Do you remember as a kid when you told so many lies, you couldn't remember which lie you told to whom?
Hand it to government officials for passing laws that help pollute the world and then trying to use that pollution of sea life as a stepping stone to promote vaccine sales based on said pollution.
3. The Eastern Ontario Health Unit recommends pregnant women get vaccinated but one of the world's leading scientist on toxins and brain function states that all vaccines given to pregnant women increase the chance of the baby being born with autism or schizophrenia by between 700% and 1400%.
4. We have this medical expert stating vaccines are safe for pregnant women and we have one of the leading scientists in the world saying that the data concretely shows vaccines have never been safe what so ever for pregnant women or their unborn children. (notice the slight aggressive attitude the first doctor takes with the female interviewer for daring to question him regarding her "mother's intuition" - the old fashion male dominated medical beat down in plain view)
5. The medical community who profits directly (financially) when vaccines are taken by the public and who also benefits structurally when people perpetuate the belief that chemicals can make them healthy (a modern day form of witch craft and/or snake oil sales) also tells people that targeted diseases have decreased because of vaccinations. One of the world's leading experts in vaccine injury and vaccine induced death looked over the data and found that the recent mass flu vaccination of children and seniors increased death rates in those categories by 500%-700%. Click here to watch and listen.
Is the 7 year term involved in medical training going to prove the exact length of time it takes to condition a human to follow orders from a text book without question, even if real world results prove the exact opposite is true?
I could do a top 100 but I believe the people who know.....already know.
Unfortunately some people still do not know..........but their numbers are decreasing daily.
Send this to someone who does not know and share the information.
Give them something to think about and something to link their unhealthy results to.
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Good morning Jason
Great work on educating the public and not backing down in the face of adversity. It takes courage to take a stand.
Many people are healthier and will continue to be so because of your mission to assist them in achieving a much healthier lifestyle.
Cornwall is lucky to have you.
People need to look real hard at children who have never been vaccinated. They look, act and are healthier. Not only have my two kids not been vaccinated, they have never required antibiotics or any other drug. According to the fear mongering "experts," it seems impossible that such a child could survive. Have you ever met a vaccinated child who has not been on antibiotics? Hmmm...and the vaccine is supposed to IMPROVE the immune system?
Hi Jason,
I have three kids, a 4 year old a 3year old and a 4 month old who was premature. I have done a lot of reasearch and my gut tells me that I should not have them vaccinated for the H1N1. However, friends, family members and doctors are telling me that it is important for my husban, my 2 girls and myself to get immunized. They are stressing that we need to protect our youngest being that he was premature and more susceptible to complications of the flu. I am so torn. I would never forgive myself if one of my children got very sick from the flu or even died if I could have protected them from it by vaccinating them. But, I also would never forgive myself if I comprimised their health by having them vaccinated. I'm just so worried especially for my 4 month old son. How else can I protect him? How can I protect my 2 other girls? How do I defend my decision when everyone around me is telling me I'm making the wrong one?
Thanks for writing.
You can also contact me directly at jason@revolutionweightlossclinic.com.
All you need is to take some time to read the insert of the vaccine itself. That is the piece of information (on paper) that comes with each vaccine. It may take some time but this is where the makers of the vaccine give it to you straight.
Yes, it may be a little intimidating to read it through but all your information is in there, without emotion or personal opinion.
The makers admit the vaccine does not guarantee immunity and it also lists the side effects it has been clinically proven to elicit. It lists mercury as an ingredient etc etc Here is an article regarding and including access to the vaccine insert. http://whathappenedtohealth.blogspot.com/2009/10/canadian-flu-insert-tells-canadians-to.html
The people who sell drugs are in no way in favour of you using your common sense or thinking independently of their recommendations. 80% of our population are overweight and diseased. This 80% includes most people who simply follow these types of recommendations blindly. The proof is all around us. What the medical community says, does not make people healthy because no one is healthy. This kind of simple analysis can be done by everyone regardless of education etc/ In the world of highly educated people nothing is more threatening than normal people using simple logic to make decesions.
Medical experts have always sounded the warning alarms that these issues are complex and only understood by them but health is not complex. You are either healthy or you are not. You either get healthy under their watch or you get more sick. Find someone who goes to the doctor every 2 months and judge for yourself.
The sellers of drugs in this system want control of your body, want you to believe chemicals make people healthier and want you to believe the genetic intelligence of the body is the enemy. What they call the flu is the body fighting the flu. Why would anyone want to disengage the fight and create a fantasy of healthy immunity? Your immune system does not get battle worthy by not being activated.
The medical community is male based and it has as it's core the violence males bring to the table. The body does not have to be beaten down or battled with. It needs more female based support and nurturing. Just read that article above and even this article which proves that the people who make the vaccine already know it is dangerous because they protect themselves against law suits from damaged people in more than 20 different ways. Ask why so much protection against injury if the vaccine was safe.
Did your grandmother's soup come with such warnings and when was the last time an organic head of cauliflower could make you healthier but also had a chance of killing you. Here is that article. Healthy things carry no risk of hurting you. You already know this.
It is your body and parenting means you are in control of your children and make decisions for them. My child was never vaccinated. If it was safe and healthy, I would be the first in line with me and my family. Trust your gut and get informed because it is never about H1N1.
It is about a public who thinks for themselves being highly dangerous for the medical community. If you question one chemical, you may question them all and that means they are in trouble because all they sell are chemicals. Don't expect people who profit from chemicals to say anything bad about chemicals.
The people who try to convince you to get it (because they got it) want you to get it because if you do not.........it means either they are wrong or you are wrong. In their gut they have a strong suspicion they are being taken advantage of and when you step away into the freedom of taking control of your own health....they are left alone with their gut feelings. Not many want to think on their own and everyone wants to feel part of the crowd. There is safety in numbers. When you walk away to the crowd that is growing everyday (people who do not vaccinate) they feel alone and scared.
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