The medical industry admitted vaccines cause Autism almost a decade ago so why have you not heard about that study and why do you often hear the exact opposite?
More importantly it was proven that the mercury preservative in vaccines (thimerosal) does indeed kill brain cells and cells of the nervous system. (more in kids than adults)
Only one dose has been proven to kill those cells.
Click here to read about the meeting where thimerosal was directly linked to Autism and nervous system damage.
Click here to see that there is mercury (thimerosal) in all doses of Canada's H1N1 vaccine.
A reporter goes deep into the world of the pharmaceutical industry and finds transcripts of a meeting between vaccine manufacturers and government officials.
This group of drug makers and government employees had indeed hired a prominent research scientist to look into the link between thimerosal (the mercury in vaccines) and Autism. (a word that describes death of brain cells to a point where normal function is impaired but a word that does not rule out the fact that all cells in the body are equally damaged by mercury....you just notice brain and nervous system damage first)
The entire process started out under murky conditions, as all parties involved were to meet in private before the results of the study were published.
In the first hours of the meeting the scientist hired to investigate the records reported his findings...........vaccines (more importantly the thimerosal - the mercury based preservative in the vaccines) were indeed directly related to Autism and many more disorders of the brain/nervous system in children.
Once that was out in the open, the next 2 days were spent trying to cover the information up and make sure the public would never find out.
Do you remember when you told a lie so long as a kid that you thought it was easier to keep lying than to come out with the truth?
A new society is being created where government cheques for disabled Canadians (and the power over their lives that comes with controlling their source of income) is becoming the norm.
Less and less people are working because the vaccines have hurt I.Q. and performance to a point where the taxes of the working class will not be able to support the non working class for much longer.
What happens when the expenses of a country are more than what it can produce in labour? Why is this going on?
The answer lies in how the super rich have always made a game out of acquiring more wealth.
Such a game may go like this.
You disable a country's work force to the point where the government has to take out massive loans to keep operating from the international banking system. (at this point the citizens would also be holding massive debt because they cannot work to survive so they must borrow from others)
The country then pledges collateral (just like you do when you take out a loan) but the country pledges things like highways, buildings, the ability to tax and even their military weaponry. When the loan goes unpaid because the vaccine injuries cripple the country's health care system, welfare system etc, the bank collects and then owns more and more of said country.
This is called privatization in the business world. Just like when you take out a loan at the bank but all on a much bigger scale.
A poor man's conspiracy theory is often nothing more than a rich man's business plan.
Some highlights of the vaccine/autism cover up reported in this article are............
- the Center for Disease Control (CDC) gave all the vaccine injury government based records to a private drug firm so the public could never access them under the Freedom of Information Act
- a declaration was made between the people who control this type of information at the meeting that similar studies must be avoided in the future
- the recorded transcripted conversations only focused on how law suits, for hurting 2 generations of children, would affect profit
- a directive was placed to the Institute of Medicine to immediately embark on a mission to fabricate studies in order to white wash and put distance between the idea of Autism's link to vaccines
- the original data, which was slated to be published in a prominent medical journal, was pulled and the publication was then told the information would never come because it was "lost"
- the scientist who originally did the study (who proved thimerosal caused Autism and nervous system injury) was immediately hired by one of the vaccine manufacturers and he later published data results that refuted the link of Autism to vaccines - proving nothing more than doctors are also human -
- a politician then attempted to protect the maker of thimerosal (Eli Lilly) from legal investigation and subpoena by slipping a special clause into the Homeland Security Act in the U.S after 9/11. (the act of manipulating law during a time of crisis is called The Shock Doctrine - using shock to regress the public into a lowered I.Q and infant like state in order to pass questionable legislation)
- another clause was injected into a later bill (by the same politician) that denied financial compensation to vaccine injured children because the lawsuits would bankrupt Eli-Lily and the company was needed to fight terrorism - (a corporate bail out of the highest order)
You can again read the rest of that story here.
Click here to see that there is mercury (thimerosal) in all doses of Canada's H1N1 vaccine.
Click here (interview #9 - 4 minutes and 20 second mark) to listen to The Head Medical Officer of The Eastern Ontario Health Unit (have you noticed his position includes a military style title) tell the people of Cornwall (I was the caller) that mercury's connection to Autism is a myth and not to worry.
Do you think the Cornwall public might want to know what really happened?
The entrance test to medical school is based on remembering and repeating. A structure of education proving highly fatal if controlled by the wrong people.
More than 50% of people are not getting the shot? What is happening to the shot that was made for you, if you did not get yours. They are already talking about booster shots for the people who got the first ones.
If the educated won't get the shot, round up the first flock of sheep and hit them again.
Here are some other good documentaries on vaccines and Autism or vaccines in general.
Click here to watch "Autism: Made in the USA"
Click here to watch "Vaccine Nation".
Click here to watch "Vaccines: The Hidden Truth"
Click here to listen to Dr. Sherri Tenpenny explain the dangers of all vaccines.
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1 comment:
You send great articles that I always pass on to friends here at work (Kraft) in Ingleside. I have a good friend who took the flu shot when she was pregnant for her son, he is autistic. Doctors have told her that this is the reason behind his autism.
He is now 8 and has learning disabilities, many many food allergies and may never be able to live independently, truly a shame.
Just thought I would drop you this note.
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