WARNING - this is for advanced readers only. Please see part 1 for more information.
.......continued from part 1.
This chimp based cancer virus was found growing in many cancer tumors in people who took the polio vaccine and not in non-vaccinated individuals.
I know many people with gross immune deficiencies and I know many with cancer. Why isn't the medical community testing their DNA for traces of the chimpanzee AIDS or cancer viruses or even asking them if they were vaccinated with this polio vaccine?

The story does not end there unfortunately.
Prominent vaccine scientists at the time were caught testing the experimental polio vaccine on mentally challenged orphans, who were under government care, plus one of the first tests of the polio vaccine killed 10 children and gave 164 paralytic polio. Doctors at the time told everyone involved the vaccine was safe. Sound familiar? This became known as the Cutter Incident.
The story does not end there unfortunately
Many prominent scientists of the day contested that polio based paralysis, which only appeared early in the 19th century, was from heavy metal poisoning and was not connected in anyway to a virus.
The days top scientists testified in front of the U.S. government that the paralysis was connected to lead arsenate and other toxic pesticides sprayed in the crop fields where the infected children played, the infected adults worked or from which infected people got their crops to eat. This fully referenced book tells all. This full referenced article also sheds some light on the subject.
When the polio vaccine was rushed to market, the cases of paralytic polio jumped by as much as 400% because paralysis is actually tied to chemicals and the vaccine was loaded with chemicals..........which in turn caused more paralysis via poisoning.
Read more here about how polio is still everywhere today but how it is hidden from us, right in front of our eyes.
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny explains all this in her lecture, which can be watched free in 4 parts on YouTube.
Outcome of the polio vaccine based on the evidence..... the creation of AIDS in humans, huge increases in cancer, huge increases in polio, the needless slaughter of tens of thousands of innocent animals, the creation of fear regarding a disease that never existed and a disease that is potentially tied to the exact heavy metals inside all vaccines today (like the paralysis that occurred in this lady and these people), the draining of money away from world governments into the accounts of unhealthy drug manufacturers (government debt), increases in taxes and decreases in life quality all across the planet (citizen debt) etc.
Why does the medical community ignore the elephant in the living room? It is because talking about the polio vaccine or any vaccine has really nothing to do with AIDS, cancer or a fake disease name that facilitated the creation of AIDS and increased cancer rates all around the world.
Talking about medical blunders has to do with the fact that the current medical structure wants and demands unwavering faith in the idea that health can be created with toxins, chemicals and poisons. They know chemicals can't make you healthy but they need you to believe that particular concept so you never stop showing up sick after taking their prescribed toxins.
In the polio vaccine case, like so many others, the medical community has proven that they really have no idea what they are doing in regards to what they say they are doing.
Conventional medical interference has been proven time and time again to hurt and kill innocent people. (25 million dead just by AIDS alone)
The foundational premise of modern medicine that chemicals will help you become healthy is absolutely, 100% and completely categorically false.
I base that statement on the evidence within this e-mail and the evidence I see everyday. The more someone goes into the medical system, the less healthy they become. It is so concrete that arguing with anyone about it means their conditioning just won't allow them to see it.
Once a population understands the fact that one chemical is unhealthy to the human body, the entire house of medical cards is set to collapse overnight. This is the Pandora's box that is guarded at all times.
It was never about H1N1. It is about more disease, societal dysfunction and the government/personal debt that comes when an entire society is so sick it teeters on financial ruin.
Once a population comes to grips with the fact that chemicals cause disease and premature death....... the drug manufacturers, the chemical companies, the food giants, the fast food outlets and the government are in trouble because the government gave financial incentives (our money) to make it all happen.
Getting shot in the face with a rifle is obviously cruel and unjust. Being forced to pay for the gun, the bullets, the wage of the shooter and having someone tell you that your death is being done in the name of health has to redefine what cruelty and injustice means.
Eugenicists point out that this entire toxin based medical system has eerie similarities to war crimes that occurred 70 years ago. A new concept, where the prison camp is completely out in the open and where governments are relieved of all expenses and liability. A no cost, "no one goes to jail" system of controlling certain populations.
How different is your TV from 70 years ago? The people who rule and govern populations have also been hard at work modifying and innovating. You get better at what you do overtime and the same rule applies to them.
The new concept revolves around the idea that walls, guards, disposal units and trains to transport prisoners are no longer necessary when you can advertise in such a surgical way that people drive themselves to the location, actually pay to enter and may even stand in line with their family demanding their fair share of toxins? The concept of controlling the population with toxins does have a name and it is "Agenda 21"
What sounds more unbelievable to you? Known toxins like mercury are good for women and their unborn children or that someone is using toxins like mercury for exactly what mercury is good for? Does it sound logical to you that you can lead any unhealthy lifestyle you want and then show up for 2 minutes, get a chemically loaded vaccine and your immunity is now great? Does it sound logical that they cannot find a cure for cancer, type II diabetes, lupus or even the common cold but they have the flu situation all wrapped up?
You will have to decide. What happened to the old dictionary definition of crazy? Someone called me crazy yesterday for not injecting my kid with known toxins that will kill cells in my child. What happened to the time when injecting yourself and children with toxins would be considered crazy? Advertising is more powerful than people believe. Another lady called me stupid.
My, how definitions have changed since I was a kid.

At this point in time if the chemical lie collapses (the lie that chemicals can make you healthy in anyway), our entire way of life will collapse because we now have a society where we think being healthy means hurting ourselves with drugs, vaccines and chemicals.
In order for most people to make a living these days, their fellow citizens need to drugged, dumbed down, misinformed, coerced, manipulated, crippled and even murdered......all in the name of health.
It is easier to build a new definition of health than to go back and salvage what health meant 100 years ago. Health now means drugging ourselves, dying early and living a sub par life on every level.
In the future being rich will mean being poor (debt), the good life will mean the bad life, reporters will mean repeaters, being healthy will mean being over weight, dying early and medicating yourself into an early grave, freedom will mean repeating what your government employer says for a heavily taxed pay cheque and being intelligent will mean doing nothing more than repeating what is on the radio or in the newspaper.
Are we not already there?
Is there time to back out? How many people are already damaged by the vaccines? Are we set for a future where 20% of the population who are healthy has to try and care for the other 80% who cannot work or produce any labour to run the country?
The only reason the medical community is afraid of you not taking their H1N1 vaccine is because of what taking it has to do with society's blind faith in what medicine stands for. If you don't take the H1N1 vaccine, what is next? Will you stop taking all the other toxins as well?
The use of such vaccine drives is to see what percentage of the population are still not putting all this together. The lines at the vaccine clinics represent the people who refuse to listen, the people why have not heard the other side of the story or both. The length of the lines indicate if the old style population control concept is needed again......the concept with the guards, the guns, the prisons, the trains etc.
The fear from the medical experts is that you start believing what you are seeing.....that medical interference often hurts people and has killed tens of millions in only 70 years. The potential criminal liability for our government and the medical industry would be unprecedented if you ever decided to take action.
The more they hurt you, the more they need to hurt you in order to make sure you are dead or crippled on the day all this is accepted as true.
You can't organize a rebellion if you are crippled or dead. Can you picture a fleet of motorized scooters bearing down on Parliament Hill? Neither can they. The more unhealthy you are, the easier they can push you around and colonize your mind.
The race is on between the truth and the government's drive to dumb you down so you couldn't find the truth, even with a GPS.
A poor man's conspiracy theory is often nothing more than a rich man's business plan. It just depends what side of the fence you are on.
It was never about the swine flu vaccine. It is about thinking on your own and the fear that thinking on your own sends into the ruling class. Collecting data, instead of listening. Leading instead of following. Thinking instead of repeating. Giving yourself orders instead of taking orders from third parties. Living a great life instead of living a life of fear and disease.
If you figure out you can be healthy without them, where do they fit in?
To the medical community the disease of independent thought and the idea of relying on yourself is the real disease they are trying to inoculate you against.
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Scary and true! This is a battle for free will. We have a choice. We can choose to make decisions for ourselves, or choose to never make another choice. You are correct in saying this is not about H1N1. It is not even really about health.
On the positive side, there have always been those (probably a small percentage) who do make conscious decisions and as they mature they take it on themselves to help others do the same. That is what we are seeing here, in the papers and all over the internet. Winning the battle against this form of slavery must come from grassroots. So, if you think a single voice can't make a difference, know that your voice is the only way to make a difference.
so true on so many levels.
keep up the outstanding work.
Oh my goodness...modern day eugenics and children ten and under and pregnant women are lining up to wipe out the next generation. HOW can they not understand/see that?
Good work, Jason. Please don't stop...
Phenomenal Jason! Thank you for sharing all of your thoughts and comments on your blog. I read it religiously and find so many truths in your postings. Today's blog was especially eye-opening and I have given it even more thought than before. I have always been against vaccines but it's sad that the schools do not allow children to attend without them... Another way they are controlling... Please keep posting your comments and I will keep sharing them - so many of my friends are following you as well now and are starting to realize and make sense of all the lies we've been fed over the years! You are NOT crazy or stupid but just the opposite - thank you again.
Remember no one and no government body or otherwise in Canada can force you to take a vaccine for any job, to attend school, to travel abroad or even to enter military service...or anything. If push comes to shove, here is the official document anyone can sign to officially and legally opt out of getting vaccinated but you just say no and that is enough in Canada. http://www.vaclib.org/exempt/canada.htm
Share your stories of repeaters trying to force vaccines on you and your family illegally. Lets get it out in the open.....people's names and where they work......the whole thing.
There's a movement to radically change California government, by getting rid of career politicians and chopping their salaries in half. A group known as Citizens for California Reform wants to make the California legislature a part time time job, just like it was until 1966.
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