Click here to learn more about the book I am reading this week. As books go in the field of health research.......this book is an eye opener to say the least.
Many parents I talk to, who may be considering not giving some or even all vaccines to their kids, get very afraid when the word polio comes up......and for good reason...as they envision children who are paralysed.
What these parents are not aware of is that the research proves a concrete link between ingredients in vaccines and getting sick/paralyzed etc.
What these parents are also not aware of is that what is called "polio" was actually first discovered to be heavy metal poisoning from a pesticide called lead arsenate.
The pesticide lead arsenate paralyzes the targeted bugs (the pests) and so much lead arsenate was used in the early 1900's that kids playing in the fields or eating the crops also became sick and paralyzed.
Some scientists were baffled why polio outbreaks occurred in July and August when all other disease outbreaks occurred in the fall or winter months. People were becoming paralysed at that time because that is when farmers started spraying the crops with the heavy metal toxin or when people started eating the poisoned produce.
Free thinking scientists identified the culprit as heavy metal poisoning from the highly toxic pesticides but there was too much money to potentially be made off the uneducated public, regarding tagging the culprit as a virus and then making a vaccine. Fear was the primary weapon of choice used by the medical community then and it still is today.
Also big chemical companies constantly pressured government agencies to consistently steer any negative press away from their products.
Why was polio around in the early nineteenth century and not around today if the vaccine was a complete fib right out of the gate? Get ready for this........
This is a prime example of how easily we are fooled and how you can learn the tricks of government manipulation.
Polio is indeed around today and it is still going strong but here is the big secret...........both the governments of the United States and Canada (with pressure from vaccine companies and pesticide companies) played the biggest game of "switch-a-roo" in human history. Both governments passed legislation so polio was never to be called polio again. With one law it was made illegal for a doctor to report any paralysis as polio.
Same symptoms, different names. This way the public would think that the vaccine was a success when the vaccine itself caused huge increases in reported paralysis, in the people who took it, because it was loaded with mercury. (mercury is a heavy metal just like lead in the pesticides and mercury is also in the new swine flu vaccine).
When the people given the polio vaccine were paralyzed from the mercury and toxin loaded vaccine, they were in turn told they did not have polio at all. They were now paralyzed but unfortunately came down with MS, MD, ALS, (Lou Gehrig's Disease), Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Parkinson's, Muscular Atrophy, Bell's Palsy and today it continues where paralysis from pesticide/heavy metal poisoning is now being called West Nile, Gulf War Syndrome and potentially even SARS.
Polio rates dropped because having polio was made illegal......and that is the story where polio can become worse than ever but the public celebrates the success of a vaccine that actually initiates more polio.
This information is purposely kept from the public to keep the least educated, the most vaccinated and medicated. More on this subject in the next blog.
Avoid taking the day off to stand in line with the other sheeple. Most people believe that no one could trick them into actually begging and standing in line for the products that hurt them. Watch for the lines of sheeple at a Health Unit near you for all the proof you need that you can indeed get people to hurt themselves and think it is a great thing to do.
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Am I understanding this right? There's no such thing as Polio?
There is a way that the body does indeed break down and get diseased from chemicals and that is what science called polio to start. (that was the pesticide poisoning)
Science also changed the definition of what polio was to sell vaccines even though polio had nothing to do with a virus. After the polio vaccine created more polio like symptoms they simply changed the name of the disease to ensure future belief in vaccines. The books referenced can explain in detail but that is exactly what was executed.
It is like saying that when an apple falls off a tree and rots that the rotting is a disease. You cannot stop an organism from dying if it is poisoned and separated from it's main source of nutrition. It is not disease, it is life. Although an apple cannot reattach itself to the tree, humans can indeed reattach themselves to their nutrition source and reverse what medicine calls disease. This is the main idea in medicine that is fought at all costs.
Thank you Jason for standing for truth and exposing the disgusting lies and deceit by our own government. They have maimed and murdered countless babies and children all in the name of profit and greed. Pure EVIL.
Tell me if you agree. Seems like they count on a system of developing new diseases through these toxic nasty vaccines in order to continue to profit off of sick people?? Seems like our children are sicker than ever before with the insane amounts of poisons they are receiving through vaccinations. By keeping us sick, they get more control..of everything. I can't wait until the day they stand before God Almighty and have to give account for their evil deeds. They will never get away with this. What do you recommend for detoxing after a child has been vaccinated? Friends and family are FINALLY waking up and choosing to not vaccinate, but with the children that were vaccinated they are wanting to know how to get rid of the toxins in their bodies? Any suggestions you have would be awesome, thank you so much! You are our hero!
God Bless
Whole foods are like all living organisms in the way that they understand when "help" is needed. If you walk down the road and see a older lady fall, you will rush over to offer help. No one had to teach "helping" when help is needed. When you eat real live whole organic food it also knows when to "help". As real food enters the body there is massive observational evidence that leans toward the idea that the food itself will detox the body for no other reason than "help" appears to be needed. The food appears to understand that toxins are not supposed to be there and whole live organic foods appear programmed to do what they can to clean up the obvious mess and remove what is not supposed to be in there in the first place. In order to detox after toxic vaccination just start with whole live organic foods at all meals. After that, depending on the age of the child ,I would proceed to a naturopathic doctor for some heavy metal testing and potentially the great heavy metal cleansing services most N.D's offer. In order to learn about the best ways to eat I suggest Dr. Mark Hyman's "Ultra Metabolism" or Paul Chek's "How To Eat Move and Be Healthy". I was vaccinated as a child and had to take it upon myself to detox so it can be done as I now pass all heavy metal testing with flying colors. The body can repair itself at all times. We just need to stop poisoning ourselves, eat real food and the body will do the rest in most cases. Keep up the good work and thanks for reading.
Thank you for exposing this info.
The "helping" analogy is not accurate wrt food. The body needs food to conduct its processes but it cleanses and heals itself and in most cases (except those extremely rare cases of true starvation or nutrient depletion), this happens fastest when no food at all is eaten. So in most cases, food actually hinders cleansing, it does not assist.
Anyone interested in detoxing from heavy metals and pesticides must realize that most people in the world are iodine deficient. Watch this video by Dr. Brownstein to see how that contributes to illness:
You can find inexpensive iodine in Lugol's solution here: http://www.jcrowsmarketplace.com/lugolssolutionofiodine.aspx
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