Where do you start in order to describe just how unhealthy this swine flu vaccine is?
Lets start with how one of the vaccine manufacturers admits that their vaccine can cause the following metabolic injuries. An insert is the piece of paper that comes with medication or in this case the vaccine delivery.
Click here to read the insert regarding just one of the swine flu vaccines hitting the market.
Here is the list of vaccine injuries listed on the insert that the vaccine is directly linked to......and that is only what happens within the testing period........not years down the road where vaccines have been linked to many other chronic conditions included cancer.
*Local injection site reactions (including pain, pain limiting limb movement, redness, swelling, warmth, ecchymosis, induration)
*Hot flashes/flushes
*Facial edema.
*Immune system disorders
*Hypersensitivity reactions (including throat and/or mouth edema)
*In rare cases, hypersensitivity reactions have lead to anaphylactic shock and death
*Cardiovascular disorders
*Vasculitis (in rare cases with transient renal involvement)
*Syncope shortly after vaccination
*Digestive disorders
*Abdominal pain.
*Blood and lymphatic disorders
*Local lymphadenopathy
*Transient thrombocytopenia.
*Metabolic and nutritional disorders
*Loss of appetite.
*Nervous system disorders
*Febrile convulsions
*Guillain-Barré Syndrome
*Myelitis (including encephalomyelitis and transverse myelitis)
*Neuropathy (including neuritis)
*Paralysis (including Bell’s Palsy)
*Respiratory disorders
*Chest pain
*Stevens-Johnson syndrome
*Rash (including non-specific, maculopapular, and vesiculobulbous).
As you notice on the first page of the insert the vaccine manufacturer warns the person getting the vaccine, "If Guillain-Barré syndrome has occurred within 6 weeks of receipt of prior influenza vaccine, the decision to give Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccine should be based on careful consideration of the potential benefits and risks. (5.1)".
What they are talking about is that people taking similar vaccines in the past have become completely paralysed or partially paralyzed like what happened here and here.
Here is the best one regarding pregnant women, nursing mothers and it appears on the first page of the insert as well, "Safety and effectiveness of Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccine have not been established in pregnant women, nursing mothers or children less than 4 years of age. (8.1, 8.3, 8.4)"
Guess who the Health Unit is recommending to get this vaccine first? You guessed it, the very people it has never been proven safe for.......pregnant women and children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years.
Yesterday I actually got to speak to the Head Medical Officer of the Health Unit live on the phone on a local radio talk show. If you go to this page, click the #9 interview and go to the 4:25 mark you can hear our conversation.
The good doctor states that thimerosal mercury derivative in vaccines is not real mercury. Funny thing, the vaccine manufacturer does state that thimerosal is indeed real mercury "25 mcg mercury per 0.5-mL dose" on the first page of the swine flu vaccine insert.
The doctor bends the truth to make sure as many sheeple get the shot as possible and the vaccine manufacturer openly admits to it so you cannot sue them in court that they did not warn you. That is called an ambush.
Not only is mercury in the swine flu vaccine, the amount of mercury is beyond the government stated limit for mercury poisoning. Many scientists believe there is also no safe level of mercury to begin with. So if you blindly follow government statements, that should make your mental computer crash.
In the same radio talk show interview (#9..4:20 mark) we also hear the Head Medical Officer state that getting the swine flu shot is based on "informed consent".
The word informed is based on the word "information". People getting this shot have no information on it because the people who make the vaccine and who profit when they give it to you are hiding the information from the public.
Most of the people I talk to think the vaccine is about health, safety, family protection and doing the right thing. They have no real information at all except that doctor's are smart and government bodies would never fib to anyone. These are the two foundations on which most people are basis their decisions.
Even on the Canadian Government's website, they admit that everyone needs to be aware of the risks before getting the swine flu shot and they say to read the vaccine insert but the insert cannot be found anywhere on their website.
How many people getting the swine flu shot actually know that the swine flu vaccine manufacturer admits the vaccine can kill you or paralyze you or cause all the injuries listed above?
The way people in town are talking about deaths from the flu, you have to figure humans are immortal. People die every year from the flu, 22-25 deaths in Canada per day from the flu at last count by Canadian Health officials.
People want to run to the swine flu vaccine to avoid the deaths but the swine flu vaccine has never even been tested on humans for more than a couple of weeks and regular flu vaccines have never been proven to decrease deaths from the flu in the first place....plus the makers of the swine flu vaccine are openly telling you it could cause all the injuries listed above.
You need to be build your health to avoid dying from the flu or even the flu shot. If you are not healthy the flu could kill you but the vaccine could also kill you. It all depends if you are healthy. That is the only protection from death available today. The more healthy you are, the longer you can avoid dying.
Do those vaccine injuries listed above sound like the vaccine builds health or takes it away? Don't forget to think.
If you have any legal background you will understand instantly that stating potential side effects leaves the manufacturer free and clear from any legal wrong doing when the worst happens.
Those warnings on the insert basically mean, "if you are silly enough to take it after you read all about it..........you are on your own because we warned you that you could be hurt".
Not a very fair legal system considering everyone involved is fibbing directly the public at every turn.
This Friday the vaccine lands in the hands of smiling health professional near you. Come and get it.
Dr. Paul Roumeliotis also tells me live on the radio about something regarding "a wavier" for this shot meaning you may also be told to sign a waiver stating you have been told all the potential side effects of the vaccine before you take it.
Are you expected to read that entire insert while 1000 other people are pushing behind you to get the shot? People will just sign the waiver and with that............their fate is sealed.
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This is very alarming news. My friend in Manitoba teaching at an Indian Reserve is getting pressured to take the vaccine along with all the other teachers because a lot of the kids are getting the swine flu. I am not sure how to alleviate her concern.
Why are so many people panicking?
I want to inform my family about the risks associated with the flu shot and show, not tell, why they should altogether avoid it.
The thing is, if I gave them the link to your blog, they would probably glaze over it because they are so "busy." (which is true)
Is there any way you could direct me to a short, concise, hard-hitting one pager that will help open their eyes to the other side of the issue?
Thanks Jason
You can send it to
Hi I hope you don't mind i linked to your blog on my blog you have a lot of good info.
Send your e-mail again because it keeps bouncing back.
How about these three short videos.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1K74Tnrrok (medical doctors speak against swine flu vaccine)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1z7KSEnyxw&feature=player_embedded (doctor speaks against it)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWsQVhQGO5c (whole movie on the dangers of vaccines. Just the movie trailer to get the main messages across)
I am completely disgusted by all of this, it makes me want to vomit. Fear mongering is not the way to get past this. Hygiene is your best and safest bet as well as vitamins C and D. Just because that poor young girl died (which they never confirmed it was H1N1, she had symptoms of H1N1, CDC has stopped confirming cases since August, now they are only assuming people are affected by H1N1)doesn't mean everyone needs to freak out and rush to get vaccinated when we don't even know what the long term effects are (remember 1979??). Seriously, it's like any other flu. Enough is enough.
BRAVA! I'm travelling in Central America at the moment and your blog means so very much to me for the TRUTH from, 'home'. Thank you. Please keep writing...
If you think the Government or the health system has your best interest at heart I have some info for you, they don’t. All you need to do is look at all the sick unhealthy people in North America. If all the pills and treatments are working and good for you where are all the healthy people? Why is our health system bankrupt why do they shun chiropractors and alternate medicine? The pharmaceutical industry is a 2 trillion dollar a year industry we are killing ourselves one spoonful at a time. Toxin, poison bad food etc.. you can’t cure disease with that and all you need to do is look at your local Hospital what is in the waiting rooms for snacks take a look and let me know. They are not promoting health with that they give people trying to get well high fructose soda pop nutrient depleted food and the list goes on and on. They are there to help you? I went with my sister to her Cancer app and the first words out of the doctors mouth where we have some “Funky” new pills for you to try etc… push the poison on a already depleted body keep killing good health cells with poison and the side effects of the “Funky” pills where worse than the chemo side effects. My Sister said to me when we got back in the car “you know they never once told me to change my diet or to limit this food or that food nothing but let’s try this pill let’s try that pill” I thought this was supposed to make you well has anyone looked at the True Cancer mortality rate with conventional means as a cure I have I will leave that up to you if you want to seek the info. Another thing, guess what was in the waiting room of the cancer clinic the very thing that is scientifically proven to feed cancer POP, CHIPS, CHOCOLATE BARS etc… All Great for health and for people with Cancer - what a joke. Look at the grocery store next time you are in there, read the box educate yourself; protect yourself, and your family one spoonful at a time.
All I am saying is educate yourself open your eyes look at both sides and make your own decision you will be surprised at what you will see.
the insert you posted was from Novartis - the vaccine that Canada purchased and is distributing is from GlaxoSmithKline - now while the inserts may be the same between manufacturers should you not be posting the correct insert?
Tylenol, advil, tempra, aleve all have extremely long list of possible side effects and potential risks from taking them - yet most people dont think twice about popping a couple of advil.
Yes I agree that they are protecting themselves by listing all possible harms that could come from taking the vaccine - but is this not standard in the industry? Commercials for Viagra, Lipitor ect they all list possible harmful effects of taking these drugs - yet again many people still take them.
So my concern with your post on the vaccine is #1 that you did not post the insert from GlaxoSmithKline; and secondly you are causing a lot of stress and panic.
I am on the fence abut vaccinating my family - but only because we never get the seasonal flu shot. As one comment below points out - they are no longer testing the general population who fall ill, are are simply stating "suspected to have H1n1" - unless someone dies or are gravely ill - then they are swabbing for the virus. This is my concern - far more than the vaccine itself....If it is so dangerous then why are they not testing. I took comfort on a statement I found on line yesterday that stated:
With all the headlines about the global H1N1 influenza (swine flu) pandemic, you might be worried about keeping your family safe. But the truth is, there's no reason to panic. Right now, there's no evidence that H1N1 flu is any worse — or more dangerous — than the common seasonal flu.
So far, the H1N1 virus is not causing more serious flu symptoms in most children. Instead, it is just expected to infect many more people than the seasonal flu virus because it is a new strain of flu virus.
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