What grows cancer? Leading scientists have known what causes cancer for decades, as can been read in this book.
Why is the public not educated as to what causes cancer? Simple, sick people are not only highly profitable (because they are conditioned to just keep consuming drugs and surgeries that make them more sick) but they are more easily governed in their weakened and panicked state. It is easy to bully the weak, the poor and the malfunctioning.
Control their health, control their education, control their wealth and voila....a society of unhealthy and weakened people....unable to take action.....even if their very lives depend on it.
Today people would rather take their place at the funeral home because it is just easier to die instead of fighting for what is right and just. It is easier to keep the party going than to lift the veil of deception.
Who is keeping crucial information about cancer from the general public? Would you believe it is the very people charged with protecting our health? If you think I am going too far, reserve your judgement until you watch the film below.
Click here to watch a documentary regarding the cure for cancer that many charities just can't seem to find............even though it is right in front of their eyes every single day.
Why does this information have to come from a fitness club owner in Cornwall, Ontario Canada? Should the cancer society of Canada not be showing this film daily? Should local oncologists not be giving every patient a copy of this movie or book?
All studies regarding cancer prove chemicals somehow cause cancer and natural substances can somehow reverse cancer. So why do the general public think chemicals (chemotherapy and radiation) are the best ideas for treating cancer? It is because we have been turned into a society of repeaters and not thinkers. We would rather be told what to do at all times because thinking for ourselves has been conditioned out of us.
Click here to visit the new Revolution Health Magazine. Click on the banner regarding how to beat cancer and learn the steps necessary to reverse your cancer.
If you have been conditioned to only react if your doctor tells you to............just close the blog.......and keep waiting. How much time do you have to wait before you take independent control of your health? What proof do you have that our conventional medical community can help you get healthier? If you are under the care of our conventional medical system right now, go look in the mirror. How do their efforts stack up against what is in the movie above? Tired of playing "hide your head in the sand" with the rest of the ostrichs? Do you have an urge to make a change?
It is never too late. Take action today.
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Fear causes people to seek certainty - the most basic and most primitive of the human needs. Those seeking certainty look for an all-knowing authority, whether it be government, religion, a doctor or a guru. Therefore those entities often use fear as a way to recruit.
Fear also contributes to lack of action, illness and cancer. Is it any wonder things are as they are? We must find certainty within ourselves by taking control of our life and health. Only then will we see a change.
The individual must start with themselves, set an example, and then lead their communities to the lives they deserve.
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