Although Dr. Oz received his swine flu vaccine on live TV his family is not getting the swine flu shot. Click here to watch Dr. Oz admit that his family will not get the shot. It occurs at around the 5:00 minute mark of the video.
The main benefit of not being in the medical field is that non-medical personal have an unbiased view of the landscape. Medical doctors are heavily programmed from the first day they enter medical school. For doctors to admit that they have been manipulated by anyone (especially by the system they rely on for an income) is usually beyond what any ego can handle. That is just another barrier to moving away from many of the dangerous practices common inside the medical field today.
Just watch this short video as medical professionals and repeaters alike rush in to support the vaccine that killed this girl just two hours after she got the shot. Do you find it odd that everyone involved blindly endorses the vaccine even though it killed this girl? It appears everyone is already expected what to say.....to play their scripted part in the vaccine hoax.
You are also expected to play your role as "less intelligent" person, who is conditioned to believe anything a higher authority or someone with more education has to say. You are supposed to say "yes, the vaccine killed that girl and others but scientists somewhere say it is safe....so it must be.....they would not lie to us".
If you think the potential death/paralysis/strokes/brain damage etc from a vaccine is bad.......wait until everyone involved says the vaccine is still safe even though you end up in the hospital or the morgue. That is when you will be exposed to the harsh reality of what is really occurring and by that time it would be too late.....just like what happened to the parents of Brandon Holder and the parents of Lorrin Fink.
It is obvious Dr. Oz's wife is like other non-medical professionals who can easily cut through all the misinformation to know that any chance of death or paralysis is not worth it in order to avoid a mild flu for her or her children. She knows what protecting her children really means and she is not going to have that definition set out for her by people who profit from vaccine drives. A mother's instinct can prove vary valuable in this situation. This is also why my wife and myself did not give one vaccine to our daughter Sophia.
The companies who force unhealthy products on the uneducated population desire huge groups to be vaccinated so there are no unvaccinated populations to ever compare the vaccinated against, in terms of the brain damage vaccines are famous for facilitating. The Amish do not vaccinate their children. Guess how many cases of Autism are in the Amish communities? Click here to find out?
Regardless, no amount of proof is ever enough for the sheeple.
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I actually like Dr Oz, I think despite being a modern day medical doctor, he's actually pretty truthfull. Maybe he's not 100% up-to-date on the latest nutrition news, but he's way more advanced then what most believe. I trust him more since he "testified" along side Dr Ornish and Dy Hyman for the health reform in the states several months ago. I catually like his show, but I could not believe it when he sold out and got the flu shot a few weeks ago on live TV. But it got me thinking....what did they inject him with??? Just because it looks like blood on TV, we all know it's not. So maybe it was not actually vaccine, maybe it was fake, just to satisfy the drug companies. There is no denying it, they do pay his salary.
There's been a news, 'blackout' on the net with regard to a lot more that's been happening with this issue. News is only coming out now that the U.S. Navy vaccinated a whole crew and sent them out to sea. They all became so ill they had to quarantine the whole ship and other ships were called in to, 'render aid'.
And as far as President Obama's Health Care Reform, IF that goes through it will only serve the purpose of inflating existing health care premiums for those who already pay insurance. In other words, this is another, 'get rich, quick' scheme for the Insurance Companies.
Very well written Jason. I totally agree. Propaganda is all it is. Big bucks for the pharmacutical companies.....again...
Tammie Grant
Cornwall, Ont.
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