Can you blame a local newspaper for not wanting to run an article telling the other side of the vaccine story? You cannot blame them at all but the other side does exist and it does not look anything like what the local hospital or local health unit is trying to tell the fine people of Cornwall.
Running this story the same week that the Cornwall Chamber of Commerce is advertising a Flu Pandemic Work Shop may not have been the best PR move for the newspaper and I understand that. (A Pandemic Work Shop is "business talk" for having the Eastern Ontario Health Unit hijack a legitimate business organization to help push unhealthy vaccines on non-government employees)
Government workers are the first in line as guinea pigs in the swine flu vaccine agenda but that leaves a whole section of the workforce who are more likely to just avoid the shot because their wage is not controlled by the people giving the vaccine.
In an effort to maximize drug company profits local government health authorities all across Canada have been charged with the job of trying to rally local businesses, to indirectly play the part of the government, in order to strong arm unhealthy vaccinations into the non-government work force.
Drug companies fully understand the power of the employer/employee relationship and since they got the government workers covered in that area.......the only thing to do is to have private sector employers bully their employees to get the shot.
Quite ingenious really.....and a concrete sign of how aggressive big pharma is becoming in their attempt to force unhealthy vaccines on as many people as possible. Here is the article that was banned.
In May 2009 at a meeting of the American Thoracic Society it was reported that children who had received a flu shot were at a three times higher risk for hospitalization than their non-vaccinated counterparts.
Researchers from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester made the discovery after studying 263 children who had the flu. The study also raised concerns whether the flu shot actually prevented the participants from acquiring the flu, as everyone in the study was chosen because they had the flu yet some were vaccinated.
In conclusion, the vaccinated children where three times more likely to need hospital care then those not vaccinated and the risk was even higher for children who had asthma. The full report can be read here.
In a recent report written by Dr. Russell Blaylock he reviews why the swine flu vaccine may be more dangerous than the swine flu itself.
Dr. Russell Blaylock openly questions several key aspects of the swine flu information that is currently being circulated by Cornwall's government backed health community.
Dr. Blaylock gives a brief yet effective description of what the public is often not told about their vaccines or the new swine flu vaccine.
African green monkeys are often the host of choice to grow the live flu viruses, which are then harvested by killing thousands of monkeys. “This same animal tissue transmits a number of vaccine-contaminating viruses, including the HIV virus”, states Blaylock.
Baxter Pharmaceuticals is just one company that was granted the rights to manufacture the swine flu vaccine. Dr. Blaylock goes on to state that, “The Baxter company has been associated with two deadly scandals. The first event occurred in 2006 when hemophiliac components were contaminated with HIV virus and injected in tens of thousands of people, including thousands of children. Baxter continued to release the HIV contaminated vaccine even after the contamination was known. The second event occurred recently when it was discovered that Baxter had released a seasonal flu vaccine containing the bird flu virus, which would have produced a real world pandemic, to 18 countries. Fortunately, astute lab workers in the Czech Republic discovered the deadly combination and blew the whistle before a worldwide disaster was unleashed.” Read the entire article
We are always told the swine flu or flu is coming this fall yet the outbreak’s connection to a retreating sun (and decreasing vitamin D levels) is never fully explained to the public. The swine flu is out there right now yet the sun keeps it at bay somehow. There is plenty of evidence that other natural factors (diet, exercise, stress management) play a huge roll in immunity yet we are often herded toward medical/chemical solutions and away from natural ones.
In some cases it appears our health information is cherry picked and natural solutions down played. There are definitely two sides to every story. No one is right and no one is wrong. Just look both ways before crossing the street. My family and myself believe in natural immunity and take no vaccines. For more information on health you can register for my blog at WHAT HAPPENED TO HEALTH.
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