Psychiatrists were interviewed outside a psychiatric convention. They were asked two questions. "What biological or physical test exists to support the existence of mental illness?" and "Have you ever cured anyone?".
Click here to watch those interviews. If psychiatrists admit they cannot cure anyone and admit that more depression is a side effect of the drugs they prescribe, why don't their patients know that and why are people still taking these drugs?
The movie titled Generation Rx has an important message to parents who believe their conventional doctor knows best.
Click here to watch leading doctors explain that the chemical imbalance theory of behavior disorders and depression is a complete fraud. (their words, not mine) Although the phrase "chemical imbalance" is often mentioned to patients, there is not one test to find the chemicals that are out of balance. Drug companies are inventing diseases (based on normal life events) and literally marketing illness.
How long has the medical profession being trying to develop drugs that target the readjustment of brain function? Click here to find out. They are indeed trying to alter your brain function but not in the way you think and not for the reasons you are led to believe.
Click here to learn of a world famous doctor who has a tested cure for depression. What is his secret? He uses food instead of drugs because drugs don't work. Thank you Dr. Mark Hyman.
Do you think your local hospital or local Health Unit stocks any of Dr. Hyman's effective and inexpensive material on how to cure yourself? You can get birth control pills, baby formula, children's Tylenol, vaccines, gastric bypass (a mere $19,000 of tax payers money for that surgery) and motorized scooters for free at the hospital....so why not a $20 book on how to cure yourself? You already know the answer.
Click here to learn about the supplement Health Canada tried to keep off the market. Why would Health Canada try and take a simple vitamin supplement off the market that cured depression and/or significantly reduced depression symptoms in clinical trials? A Health Canada backed court battle to keep a healthy vitamin supplement away from Canadians while approving all the drugs highlighted in our videos above. Think it is about money? When these people get caught they are hoping you think it is only about money. The real reason these drugs are pushed on the public goes well beyond the scope of this blog.
Ready for your Health Canada endorsed swine flu shot this fall?
Watch for repeaters.
Click here to learn what repeaters are.
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