Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Swine Flu Vaccine Warning

Standard North American software programming is going to be placed to the test this coming fall with the promotion of the swine flu and the swine flu vaccine.

So far in the United States 45 people have died from the swine flu and of those people, many were already severely ill. That means these people did indeed test for the swine flu virus (upon their death) but they could have also had cancer, lupus, type II diabetes or have been extremely obese.........yet those details are never highlighted in the mainstream media. The drive is to make people think the swine flu (and any flu) can take down healthy people like an assassin's kill shot. Get the people stampeding in fear. Get the conditioned cattle drive moving.

Last time this swine flu business model was unleashed on North America in 1976 the vaccine itself killed 25 people and permanently crippled over 4000 in the U.S. alone. This is an extremely high injury number as only 1-10% of adverse medication or vaccine reactions are reported. Watch this 60 Minutes report for amazing details on that issue.

Since April 2009 45 people have died in the United States and they have indeed been tested to have the swine flu virus yet during the exact same period 56,000 people in the United States have died from medical mistakes..........30,000 of those people dying from regular dose/properly prescribed medication. (that number of deaths is actually an underestimation because that is based on data from 1999.....these numbers reported by doctor's themselves in their own Journal, The Journal of The American Medical Association)

The public are expected to believe that the people who sell us tobacco, alcohol and toxic/fatal medications are very concerned about our health and want to interfere with anything that may cause us harm or death. Since April 2009, 56,000 have died at the hands of modern medicine with no reporting and 45 have died from the swine flu with a call for immediate action and billions in spending. An interesting sales pitch indeed.

The U.S. and Canada have already spent over 1 billion dollars on swine flu vaccine preparations. Early reviews of the new vaccine formulations show them as being more toxic to human health than the one given in 1976. (and that vaccine killed 25/crippled 4000) In Germany no one has died of swine flu yet they have already pledged over 3 billion dollars toward vaccination efforts. Smells like money to me.

Fear is the a primary reason people believe they need to be governed. Health has never been tied to chemicals being taken into the body via the mouth or a needle. With 70% of Canadians diseased and overweight it is time to tell our government that their model of health does not work.

Lets listen to Barbara Loe Fisher, one of the world's leading experts on vaccination injury and President of the National Vaccine Information Center.

I stopped taking vaccines in 1998 (that year I took a flu shot and became extremly ill) and my daughter has never received one vaccine. She is perfectly healthy and I have no fear that her immune system can fend off any flu, even if she becomes infected. I have no fear of illness as it is part of life. You can fend off illness as much as you can fend off death itself. Leave a commnent

1 comment:

Orrilia said...

From what I have been reading, if WHO says we have to take the vaccine, we can be forced into it, and if we don't, we could be sent to a quarantine facility (gawd only know what would happen there), or having your children taken away if you refuse to have them vaccinated. I am sending this blog to everyone I know. Thanks Jason