Click here to listen to Dr. Mark Hyman discuss the study that not only proved anti-depression drugs are ineffective but the doctors who did the research lied about the results of the studies.
Chemist admits on camera that he develops anti-depressants that proved deadly in his lab, that proved deadly in other people's labs and that they are dangerous, ineffective and cause the exact same symptoms they are being prescribed for...........yet they are being approved for use anyway.
Click here for the movie trailer about the corruption surrounding any and all doctor based behavior disorder diagnosis.
Is your child on a mind altering drug? Click here to see what your meeting with the doctor should have looked like.
Click here for a short explanation about why mental screening tests for children are done to push toxic medications and nothing else. Proving that, "if you think you're healthy, you just haven't had enough medical testing yet"
Drug companies are pushing for all new mothers and even their unborn children to be on these highly toxic and dangerous medications.
Mothers on these medications have patterns of violence against there own family members, including the killing of their own children.
News report shows drug companies aware that thoughts of suicide or thoughts regarding the killing of others were evident in clinical trial for an anti-depressant. If you think your child is wild now, wait until they get a hold of these drugs.
Click here to see doctors caught on tape admitting they never fully explain the side effects of anti-depressants to their patients.
Watch a TV commercial that states never to prescribe this particular drug to people under 18 and then watch this news report showing doctors being caught prescribing that exact same drug to people under 18.........which in turn caused many deaths via suicide.
A BBC News report about the corruption inside the anti-depressant industry.
Honest doctor warns that anti-depressants can cost you your marriage, your job and your life.
Full movie on the dangers of mind altering drugs for children.
Full PBS documentary on the dangers of these drugs for children.
Movie trailer showing how drug companies help healthy people believe they are sick and in need of dangerous medication.
Doctor dedicates his entire life to warning people about the 3 most unhealthy and dangerous medications in history. Guess what made the list?
Come download some truthful computer software programming at Physical Limits. How is your health using the traditional government backed programming that tells you drugs and surgeries will make you healthy? Ready for a change? How much time do you have?
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