"Your disease is genetic!", states your conventional medical doctor. "Your mother had it, her mother had it.......now you and your sister have the same disease..........and you all require the same surgeries and drugs for life".
Unfortunately this is just not true and it has proven not to be true in land mark experiments that you never hear about. Click here to review just one of them or view the video below.
Basically it has been shown that family members who eat the same bad diets and live the same bad lifestyles get the exact same diseases.......even if they were adopted. So it is the food/lifestyle and not the genes. Pretty simple stuff.
The reason the majority of conventional medical professionals often repeat the genetic lie is that it lubricates what is known as the "medication pathway" into your mouth. When a respected medical professional blames your genes and not you, you will automatically feel good because that shines the spotlight elsewhere. Your doctor will take advantage of this newly formed bond to push as many toxic medications and unecessary surgeries as they can upon you.
The genetic lie comes from a long line of manipulative tactics (often initiated and taught to doctors by pharmaceutical companies) that cleverly strip power away from the patient.
Once a patient enters the conventional medical system they are under a constant barrage of propaganda, all directed at one very important goal that drives medical profits through the roof. That goal is to make sure the patient is never aware that they can change their situation without the help of medications, surgeries or medical intervention. Every other circumstance is blamed for the patient's condition except the one that would empower the patient. The focus is to avoid even hinting to the patient that they made themselves sick or that they can make themselves better by exercising, eating whole unprocessed foods and relaxing.
The success of such tactics has the overwhelming number of Canadians getting sick and never reviewing how their own habits are impacting their health. Canadians are taught that the answer for their dysfunctions lie outside their home, outside their control, outside their budget of time, outside their budget of money....anywhere but within their power.
Canadians are taught that health is controlled by doctors, drugs, surgeries, medical tests etc...anything and everything but the patients themselves. This is an odd stance to take as healthy people are healthy because they avoid drugs, bogus medical tests and unnecessary surgeries. If you feel sick when you go into the hospital, adding drugs to what you place in your body is not going to make you feel any better. No medical degree required with that statement.
Click hear to listen to Dr. James Chestnut expand on this idea or watch the same talk in the video below.
Bottom line is that your genes are not set. Your genetic code reacts like a Swiss Army Knife to whatever it encounters in the environment, on a second by second basis. Your genes expose the best knife blade for the given situation. If someone is attractive (pretty or handsome) your body has one genetic reaction and if someone eats bad food there is another genetic reaction. We are merely passengers along for the ride and have very little say in the reaction but we can control the environment.
Our current medical system is designed to never educate patients that they control their health fate. If you hear a medical professional ever try and tell you the "genetic lie" followed by the "drug lie" that usually follows........it is best to just get up and leave.
Come to Physical Limits, name your disease and I will personally provide you with a step by step guide on how to reverse it, all written by health professionals who are willing to tell the truth.
Click here to view just a few of these programs designed to reverse diabetes, depression, cancer and heart disease. You don't get that information at the hospital or your doctor's office because they were never taught that disease can be cured. Disease management is what they offer, making the disease your companion for life. The companies who run the entire system just don't want you to be healthy.
The proof is in the result. We need to start believing what we see and stopping seeing what we believe. You are literally worth millions if you are sick and worth pennies if you are healthy. It is time for you to break the cycle. If you already have broken the cycle, share your story with others.
The cures are out there. The first step is admitting that you have the power to change your health and that you are responsible for everything in your life. It is hard to sell responsibility when our government sells the opposite idea. Blaming your genes is just a more attractive idea at this point in time. Don't believe it. You can change your life, I guarantee it. See you at Physical Limits for a workout and some great health advice. 613 932 4766 Leave a comment.
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