Rising tennis star Mathieu Montcourt (ranked just outside the top 100 tennis players in the world) has died of a heart attack. He was 24. According to French authorities, that qualifies as dying from "natural causes." A tip of the hat to the medical professionals who are declaring that a healthy 24 year old dying of a heart attack is natural.
Athletes actually appear most at risk for heart attack these days from the factors I talked about in the Micheal Jackson article. This is due to their unique lifestyles.
A professional athlete's constant exposure to MSG-laced processed/non-organic foods, (even at the finest restaurants), MSG/caffeine laced sports drinks (like Red Bull and Rock Star etc), potential frequent exposure to over the counter pain killers and chronic dehydration due to their vigorous sports schedules places them at much higher risk for this sort of cardiac malfunction. For more information about how these factors combine to increase heart attack risk dramatically please click here.
At the rate our culture is poisoning itself there is little hope that mainstream science will ever catch up and start investigating the lifestyles of our youth who are now dropping dead from heart attacks, in greater and greater numbers.
The government has approved all the chemicals, which are killing large portions of our population prematurely, so it is not logical to expect them to come forward with any news that may place their judgement in a negative light. You need to protect yourself. There is really no other option.
Science holds firm that trials of man made chemicals be limited to testing one substance at a time. This is only one of the fatal flaws in our modern medical/science based system, as no one is exposed to just one chemical at a time.
There is plenty of proof that our society's love affair with unnatural compounds (including all medications) has reached what is known as "critical mass". Our streets are looking like scenes from zombie b-movies, our hospitals are bankrupt due to over use and our finest citizens (like Mathieu Montcourt) are literally dropping dead from toxicity.

In order to protect yourself against this sort of sudden death via heart attack you need to avoid painkillers (prescription and over the counter), increase your consumption of clean spring water, avoid caffeinated beverages and all quick blast energy drinks/substances, reduce alcohol intake (2-3 drinks per weeks is plenty), engage in moderate exercise that is preferable anaerobic in nature, eat plenty of whole, live, organically grown produce with minor amounts of organically grown meat selections, reduce chemical use in general to stop poisoning the land/air/water we need to live, reduce personal exposure to chemicals and don't sub your health out to third parties......like conventional medical professionals. (who have a history of only offering treatments that have already been proven complete failures)
You need to be sick for your doctor to get paid so what treatments do you think they have in store for you? You are the only one who can control your health. If you are healthy it was all you. If you are sick it was all you as well. You need to participate.
Come to Physical Limits today. I will see you on the fitness club floor for some exercise and some great health advice. 613 932 4766
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