The title should really be "A cure for cancer" because there are literally hundreds of cures for cancer. Saying "THE cure for cancer" simply perpetuates the false idea our medical establishment uses regarding all disease.
Modern medicine tries to convince patients that each disease is separate and that each disease has a very different treatment, surgery or pill. This eventually translates into a software programming problem for the patients, as nothing could be further from the truth.
Do you really think someone's thyroid cells are malfunctioning but the rest of their cells everywhere else in their body are completely healthy? That is what many North Americans with thyroid disease are lead to believe by their conventional medical professionals.
Do you really think a type II diabetic has to only worry about their blood sugar levels and nothing else? That is what many North Americans with diabetes are lead to believe by their conventional medical professionals.
Do you think a cancer patient only has to be concerned with the cancer cells that are targeted by surgery or chemo? Caner grows from certain foods and certain lifestyles. The tumour is never the cancer because if it was the cancer the tumour would not come back and we know with cancer patients, who do not change their lifestyles, that the cancer does indeed come back in most cases.
If you are programmed with the usual North American based software these are just some of the ideas you are most likely to believe. A health system should never set up a hospital at the bottom of a steep cliff. A health care system needs to build a fence at the top of cliff so no one ever falls down the cliff. One system makes money by keeping people sick (and looks really inviting when you are injured after falling down the cliff) and one makes hardly any money by making people healthy.
Not only are cancer cures simple (North American medical software programming makes sure people believe fighting disease is hard or impossible) but none of these simple cures are offered within the conventional North American medical system.
If you have cancer the only treatments you are offered are the ones proven to be complete failures.
Want to hear about the protocols thousands of people are using to reverse cancer? Want to hear about how the treatments offered in North America (radiation and chemotherapy) actually worsen a patient's health as compared to doing absolutely nothing? Want to hear about the study that showed 1 out of 4 cancer patients actually died from their treatments.......and not from their cancer? Want to learn about how cancer charities suck communities dry of financial resources and then dump that money off to drug companies who are in fact not looking for cure. This may sound odd but people today are actually raising money for the companies who have killed their family members.
The people at The Canadian Cancer Society will not post this video (or anything like it) on their website because if they did they get an odd reward. They get to go home and tell their families that they no longer have jobs. If simple cancer cures are published then we obviously have no need for the bloated cancer bureaucracy that currently runs the cancer empire. From top to bottom, the drive is detection and treatment of cancer. That is very different than curing cancer.
You can also use the presentation below to test your own software programming. On the most basic level people who are well programmed by the North American medical establishment will always turn their back on any information regarding a cure for cancer..........even if they are looking for a cure, raising money for a cure or have cancer themselves. Self education is the first step needed to acquire new and successful programming regarding cancer and all disease.
Strap yourself in for this once in a lifetime cancer presentation by leading anti-cancer researcher Phillip Day. I am not sure how long this presentation will stay on line for free so hurry and click here to get it. Follow the instructions on the page and then click the appropriate icon to roll this short film titled "CANCER, WHY WE ARE STILL DYING TO KNOW THE TRUTH".
These are exciting times for people who are willing to be reprogrammed with the idea that their health is within their control.
Jason, my dad was diagnosed with stage 4 colin cancer a year ago this September...he was only 59 year old. They told us that he would not be around by this past Christmas, but thanks to his own research he's almost cured! He says "B-17 is God's Cure for Cancer". Check out the website, I know you will be interested...
Sandy Taylor
Check this out
It could be true, but I'm guessing they are trying to scare people from eating too much natural B17 found in food. People can get healthy, safe from disease. We all know they can not patent whole food, so might as well ban it.
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