Are you toxic? Find out from Dr. Hyman and find out what to do about it if you are.
The worse thing about toxins is that they force the body to produce metabolic changes that promote water retention and fat cell production. The body does this in order to dilute the toxins. Diluted toxins are much safer than concentrated toxins. The body gets big and fat on purpose to protect itself.
The water dilutes the toxins and the new fat cells are the safest place to store poisons until a time when the liver gives the fat cell the green light for their release and eventual breakdown in the liver. If someone ingests chemicals daily, that green light is never given and that person will just get bigger/fatter/heavier regardless of exercise, dieting etc.
As the body gets big and fat it hopes the owner of the body picks up on those signals to make the appropriate changes with diet, exercise, lifestyle etc. A bigger body is the physical cue that one is toxic. Disease, dysfunction and pain are the metabolic cues the body sends in order to communicate the same message.
As the body is trying to scream to it's owner that change is needed many North Americans drive more toxins into their body via medications. The symptoms of toxicity are not a call to place more toxins into the body. The cure for chemical toxicity is not more chemicals.
The programming that drives people toward medications when they are sick only brings more illness, as all medications have long lists of side effects. These side effects in turn are often misdiagnosed as new diseases.......which in turn need more medications.
The profit lies in keeping the patient ill, especially if the patient believes that the cure for illness is found in medical tests, surgeries and medications.
At that point the cycle of ill health spirals out of control. The mental software programming that allows this to happen also eliminates the idea that the patient ever sees that they are getting much worse under their doctor's care. This incorrect software programming keeps this sort of patient running back to a system that is designed to make them sick..........all the time thinking it will make them better.
That is called a "software" issue, as what the patient believes is the foundation of their illness. This can also be called a "mind virus" and that infection can be easily spread to friends and family.....especially children. That is how one sick generation simply duplicates dysfunction, disease and obesity into the next. If a mother takes a tylenol after eating poorly, the child is very likely to just follow suit.
Many medications have "weight gain" as a listed side effect because those medications are toxic to the body. Patients are never told all the side effects and that is just part of the sales pitch to get people on drugs.
Cancer is also highly related to toxicity, as the highest cancer rates are associated with the most toxic citizens or groups of citizens. Cancer is also thought by many to also be a defensive mechanism of the body, in response to toxins. (just like extra fat cells and water retention defends the body by diluting toxins) Cancer is often found to surround a pocket of dangerous toxins. A sort of tissue based firewall.
In the end, being toxic is not healthy and that is putting it mildly. Before 1945 there were very few chemicals in the world. Today there are over 70,000 chemicals approved for use on humans or the materials we use on a daily basis.
Click here or play the video below to listen to Dr. Hyman review the symptoms of being toxic and how to get the toxins out of your system.
Physical Limits offers many step by step programs to aid our clients in detoxing. Once chemicals are removed from your habits you will lose weight, gain energy, reverse disease and feel your very best. I will see you at Physical Limits for a great workout and some life saving health advice.
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