The odd answer is that the dentist himself and the Canadian Dental Association may be the ones responsible for the poisoning. If you have a black mercury filling in your mouth, this article will interest you.
Click here to read about a Nova Scotian dental surgeon who has sued the owners of his building. Dr. Duncan MacIntyre accused his landlord of literally poisoning him with heavy metals during a recent building renovation. The legal accusation revolves around the idea that the dust from the renovations were laced with various forms of heavy metals. The claim was that these heavy metals poisoned Dr. MacIntyre, pretty well crippling him and leaving him unable to work as a dental surgeon.
I completely believe the dentist, as heavy metal poisoning is common and can actually mimic everything from MS to lupus and from autism to schizophrenia. One big question raced through my mind when I read this story.
How can a dental surgeon, whose governing body states that mercury (a heavy metal) is not toxic, sue another entity claiming that heavy metals are indeed toxic? The answer is simple and straight forward.
In a world where mammograms can cause cancer, chemotherapy/radiation treatments increase cancer risk and anti depression medications increase depression.....it is not uncommon today for logic to be completely thrown out the window.
Common sense is not so common anymore. Even the judge in this case admitted that heavy metals were indeed toxic yet could not rule with the dentist because the dentist could not prove specifically that the heavy metals came from the building renovations.
So where is the news coverage regarding everyone but the dental patients knowing that heavy metals are toxic and cause illness? The judge knows, the dentist knows so why not the general public?
How many dental patients know mercury fillings are toxic? If you think your mercury fillings do not leak mercury into your body, think again and watch this video. Just for the record mercury holds the title as either #1 or #2 most toxic substance on the planet.
In reality the dentist should also sue himself and his dental association (who swears certain heavy metals are safe when used in your mouth) because the evidence that mercury is toxic is overwhelming. The irony of the situation is that dentists and anyone who works in their offices (dental assistants, office staff etc) are testing for the some of the highest levels of mercury out of any profession.
All dentists who use mercury in their offices have always been at one of the largest risks for heavy metal poisoning mostly due to their illogical (and in this case almost fatal) stance that mercury and other highly toxic materials are safe for their patients.
In an attempt to avoid a complete on slot of law suits, North American dental associations still stubbornly insist that heavy metals are safe for their patients even though some European countries have banned mercury altogether because it is toxic. Mercury has been shown to mimic or even play a part in developing the diseases listed below.
Addison's Disease/Gastritis/Allergies/Hypogonadism/Alzheimer's' disease Hypothyroidism/Amylotrophic lateral sclerosis/Infertility/Ankylosing spondylitis Insomnia/Anorexia nervosa/Irritable bowel syndrome/Anxiety/Juvenile arthritis
Asthma/Learning disabilities/Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder/Lupus/Erythromatosus/Autoimmune disease/Manic depression/Bipolar disorder Multiple chemical sensitivities/Borderline personality disorder/Multiple sclerosis
Bulimia Myasthenia gravis/Candidiasis/Obsessive-compulsive disorder/Chronic fatigue Panic attacks/Colitis/Parkinson's disease/Crohn's disease/Pervasive developmental disorder/Depression/Psychosis/Endocrine disorders/Rheumatoid arthritis
Environmental illness/Schizophrenia/Fibromyalgia/Sciatica/Food allergies/Sleep disorders/Yeast syndrome
Even in Canada, stern warnings to avoid mercury fillings are given to pregnant women and young children by our own government. Why is mercury dangerous for some and not for others? When unhealthy companies (and their friends in government) know the jig is up, they often choose to let the truth out in little bits. This helps bad people play the role of "being part of the solution" instead of being highlighted for their part in the early death of the people they were sworn to protect.
The reason the government holds onto the lie of "mercury being safe" is that other profitable lies are directly tied to the mercury lie. If government admits mercury is toxic then many other profitable lies start to crumble as well. (like the vaccination/mercury connection and industrial polluters who keep the stock market humming along etc).
Lets just leave the story with this quote from Dentist David Kennedy "...if they have as few as 4 amalgam fillings present in their mouth, the average person's saliva is so high in mercury they cannot legally spit into the toilet. Their saliva exceeds the EPA maximum legal municipal discharge standard for mercury..--David Kennedy D.D.S.
If you have mercury fillings and want a guide to what to do you can visit this website.
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