Click here or watch the same video below to view a cancer charity endorsing the consumption of Kentucky Fried Chicken, as a good way to help fight cancer. This is what I have called the Human Shield Effect in the past. So the best way to fight cancer is to eat foods that give cancer.
Everyone on the train to the hospital. Health and living a long life is so last year, disease is where it's at. Don't be healthy and feel lonely, be part of the crowd who are in line at the top of the cliff. Just don't be unhealthy, get behind efforts that make millions unhealthy. You will feel great and feel like you have contributed. I heard the US military are painting their artillery shells pink to start their own "kill for the cure" campaign.

Everyone has a mind and are therefore capable of living a fib. (fibs are ideas like medications are healthy, doctors are masters of health, killing people in another country will make us safer in the future or that eating KFC is good for cancer)
The unfortunate thing about many people is that they are not up to date with their history, especially the long history of eugenics. When uneducated people start tricking the minds of other uneducated people, like in the case of anyone serving cancer causing food as a cure for cancer, the eugenics proponents are laughing all the way to the bank.
Eugenics is the science of eliminating the uneducated masses through mind manipulation and it was actually a studied branch of science for many decades not more than 60 years ago. It has now gone underground but the evidence of its' existence is easy to see today.
Click here to see how the American Diabetic Association has taken millions of dollars from the biggest sugar distributor in the world, Cadbury/Schwepps. Same sort of thing as eating cancer causing foods, for cancer. After the donation was made to the ADA, the president of the ADA declared sugar was not directly implicated in diabetes.
Feed the concepts these groups are selling through your body to discover if they are true or not. Eat excess sugar and you will get diabetes, regardless of what the child like mind thinks. Anything that stresses, deforms or brings pain to the body is a fib. Anything that adds body symmetry, health and happiness is the truth. Run any idea you want through your genetic lie detector to find truth. Truth lies inside of you, nowhere else.
Last call for the reversing diabetes seminar. Call 613 932 4766 to register.
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People practice 'eugenics' when they choose a mate. People actually even practice 'eugenics' when they breed two dogs together to come up with puppies with specific characteristics, although it has become more and more associated with human genetics over the years (and not just NAZI implementations...)
Be careful with that broad brush Jason... and please stop citing Wikipedia as a 'source' to back up claims you make. It's 'bulletin-board' like set-up is too often corrupted by folks adding'opinion' in place of (and mixed IN with) 'fact'...so it therefore is NOT a reliable source of info and shouldn't be treated as such.
Thanks for the comment. We do practice eugenics when we choose a mate (in a a way) but again we are not killing our perspective mates in order that their genes don't pollute a perceived "different" gene pool. The reference to Wikipedia is to get my readers in tune with the basis of the theory. This serves as an introduction. Curious minds can take it from there with their research. Complete books exist on the subject for the readers to verify. The truth is out there, as long as people remember how to use their eyes. Truth lives in a person's body, not my opinion. Facts are merely the opinion held by the majority. The majority think medications are healthy or that vaccines help protect against disease or that there are seperate political parties. No really evidence to back up what many people consider fact.
The original title of Darwin's famous evolutionary book was, "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life" The idea of justifying domination over other races as natural selection has been around for a while. Eugenics started when dominating countries needed a scientific theory to help them sleep at night, as to why they ran around the world killing other people. Perceiving themselves as more powerful/superior and not sinister simply fit what they were doing at the time. Just wanting my readers to be aware of that concept, which also started all the sterilization laws mid century. Eugenics is alive and well. Thanks for writing and please write anytime. It is good to know people are reading them.
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