I am proud to announce a new disease reversal seminar May 4th from 5:30 to 8:30, which will reveal the well documented cure for diabetes. Click here or watch the same video below to watch the cure in full stride.........and not just for type II........type 1 as well.
The cure for diabetes has to be conventional medicines' worst kept secret. The cure rate of any person with diabetes has really nothing to do with the well documented plan to reverse that disease. (the cure has always been available in many doctor authored books) The cure rate has to do with a person's teachability index.
A person's teachability index is based on three factors. #1 Who is the patient listening to for their information? If a person is programmed to listen solely to the conventional medical professionals who focus on treatments (meaning the patient stays diseased) instead of cures, then a cure will rarely be considered by that patient.
If you have a goal in life, hang around people who have already accomplished that goal. Understand the difference between disease management/treatment (getting lots of attention but staying diseased) and cures. (meaning you are cured in as little as 7 days - as can be observed in the video above - and then you move on with other challenges in your life)
I will review the other factors contained within a person's teachability index in a following post Call 613 932 4766 to place yourself on the diabetes cure seminar list. Have a great day and see you there.
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