The government and ruling class liked to burn books throughout history because the elite class certainly knows the power of ideas. All ideas are considered by the mind as initially true. The more the mind hears about one idea or another the more likely it is to take action on it. That is what all advertising is based on.
How the mind processes ideas is a universal law, much like the law of relativity or the law of gravity. You can't shut down or destroy such laws (because they exist in all things, at all times and in every location simultaneously) so when you don't want others to see such laws......all you can do is hide them and then hope the working class never discover their true power. These universal laws are actually the foundational operating manual of life itself. Find out these laws and your power is unlimited.
There is still modern forms of book burning (what keeps the poor powerless), like in the case of any medical study that questions the foundations of profit....that our sick care economy is based on. Just like burning books, the entire drive is to make sure the average person is left to feed on ideas that continually dis-empower them.
The poor are always given the ideas that don't really work. Medicines that don't make them healthy. Financial planners that keep them poor and tax laws that see them punished for trying to do more. Do you ever wonder why most people are where they are? It's because the wrong information dis-empowers like no other.
Click here or watch the same video below to hear of such a case where the average Joe is kept dumb, poor, fat and dis-empowered by the medical community. The truth is always hurried off the stage so that Jane and Joe North American never remember what truth looks like. When you don't know what truth looks like, it's easier to live a life of fibs. Think your doctor is there to make you healthy? What proof are you basing this on?
In the video above and in the case of burning books the people behind the curtain are afraid of the expansion principle. The forces behind the injustices are aware that ideas take root in the brain and grow like trees. From one idea, can come many.
If you question vaccines because of the mercury than mercury teeth fillings are next. If you question doctors being in control of immunity, you may question doctors controlling cholesterol, mood, thyroid function and blood pressure etc. If you were ever to find out that the body knows best in one area........you will quickly realize that the body knows best in all areas. If you ever find out the medical community has lied to you for 100 years about vaccines then that idea will expand into questioning more of what they do. If you ever found out that you can do it, then you don't need someone to do it for you.
The "idea seeds" that can blossom into you becoming independent of their control is what they are always trying to burn or destroy.
For things to stay the same for them, things must stay the same for you. The more power for you, the less for them. The more you know, the less they can sell you the ideas that they know. You can never avoid the forces of darkness. All you can do is educate yourself and avoid them.
It isn't what you don't know that gets you into trouble........it's what you know for sure that just ain't so. (Mark Twain)
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Well done!
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