If you want to attend my reversing diabetes seminar next Tuesday please call 613.932.4766 to register. Thank you for taking care of your health.
Click here or watch the same video below to view Dr. Hyman explain how diabetes, obesity and many other diseases are caused by the same lifestyle, foods and habits. Dr. Hyman also reviews the case study of one patient who cured many diseases (including diabetes) simultaneously by changing his lifestyle.
Thanks for taking care of your health.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
A Cure for Diabetes - Dying For The Cure

Click here or watch the same video below to view a cancer charity endorsing the consumption of Kentucky Fried Chicken, as a good way to help fight cancer. This is what I have called the Human Shield Effect in the past. So the best way to fight cancer is to eat foods that give cancer.
Everyone on the train to the hospital. Health and living a long life is so last year, disease is where it's at. Don't be healthy and feel lonely, be part of the crowd who are in line at the top of the cliff. Just don't be unhealthy, get behind efforts that make millions unhealthy. You will feel great and feel like you have contributed. I heard the US military are painting their artillery shells pink to start their own "kill for the cure" campaign.

Everyone has a mind and are therefore capable of living a fib. (fibs are ideas like medications are healthy, doctors are masters of health, killing people in another country will make us safer in the future or that eating KFC is good for cancer)
The unfortunate thing about many people is that they are not up to date with their history, especially the long history of eugenics. When uneducated people start tricking the minds of other uneducated people, like in the case of anyone serving cancer causing food as a cure for cancer, the eugenics proponents are laughing all the way to the bank.
Eugenics is the science of eliminating the uneducated masses through mind manipulation and it was actually a studied branch of science for many decades not more than 60 years ago. It has now gone underground but the evidence of its' existence is easy to see today.
Click here to see how the American Diabetic Association has taken millions of dollars from the biggest sugar distributor in the world, Cadbury/Schwepps. Same sort of thing as eating cancer causing foods, for cancer. After the donation was made to the ADA, the president of the ADA declared sugar was not directly implicated in diabetes.
Feed the concepts these groups are selling through your body to discover if they are true or not. Eat excess sugar and you will get diabetes, regardless of what the child like mind thinks. Anything that stresses, deforms or brings pain to the body is a fib. Anything that adds body symmetry, health and happiness is the truth. Run any idea you want through your genetic lie detector to find truth. Truth lies inside of you, nowhere else.
Last call for the reversing diabetes seminar. Call 613 932 4766 to register.
Please voice your opinion and leave a comment.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Diabetes Cure - Pharmacist Sounds In With The Same Cure

What is the easiest way to become a mega millionaire today? The easiest way to get rich today is by coming out of the closet and telling the truth.
Telling the truth is the hottest trend right now throughout the world. Rare things are worth more and there is nothing more rare in this century than people in the halls of power telling the general public the truth about how they have been manipulated over the past 100 years.
The general public know they are overweight, diseased, fatigued and in debt.........and now they are finding out why. Truth telling is the hottest stock on the market today. The whistle blowers are coming out of the closet because of the huge benefit telling the truth brings.
My personal income alone has grown 6-8 fold since the day I decided to tell my clients the truth about health. As soon as I started telling the truth I started to make more money than I had thought possible. This is how life is designed. When you are truthful.......life is good.
The ability to get rich based on telling the truth is the Trojan horse that will bring our modern system down to the level where it needs to be.
First doctors were cashing in on truth. Health professionals like Dr. Blaylock, Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. Mercola, Dr. Ray Strand, Dr. McDougall and thousands more........but now we see pharmacists and even politicians getting into the truth market. WOW! Making millions of dollars by actually helping people instead of making a couple hundred thousand by keeping people sick. Making more......and sleeping better at night........and growing off the love that your results produce. That is the life we were all designed to live.
The corrupt people make less, feel terrible doing it and die early because of the stress living a lie causes in the body. There is another way and Suzy Cohen is showing people that way.
When I put it like that.......I'm even hopeful for the future. Click here or watch the same video below regarding pharmacist Suzy Cohen and her new book about curing diabetes. No one tells the truth like Suzy, so look out! Truth is so hard to find today that many people forget what it looks like and are shocked when they hear it. It is like seeing a UFO......people just think it's from another planet.
Please notice how alive and happy Suzy is. That is what happens when what the "mind" believes and what the "body" knows as truth are aligned. The body performs optimally when it lives truth.
Almost last call for my reversing diabetes seminar. Please call 932 4766 to register.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Diabetes Cured - Dr. McDougall Cures Diabetes As Well
Click here or watch the same video below to view Dr. McDougall discuss some of the patients he has cured of diabetes. The big secret is that the same diet cures many diseases, as there is not one cure for diabetes and another cure for MS and another cure for depression etc. All the charities are looking for the exact same cure and they pass it everyday in the grocery store.
The basis of power throughout history is about one group knowing and another group not knowing. People without power often talk in the same way. Everything is out of their control....that is their basic mind set. One group is lucky and they are not. The powerless often believe they are destined to get done by life, as life blows them around like a leaf in the wind. It's all about what you know and that is why the easy disease cures are kept from the general public. If the greater populations realized their true power, that would not be good for the current group of people who profit from illness and dysfunction.
The uncomfortable thing about being powerful is that you instantly take responsibility for everything in your life. The good is your fault but so is the bad. You created everything in your life but with your power, you can change it at anytime. When you have power, there is no one else to blame for the bad or take credit for the good. You stand alone, the product of your efforts.
Teaching someone to cure disease is about first trying to teach them that they created that situation and that they have the power to reverse it at anytime.
The medical system caters to the "non-powerful" mentality by allowing the powerless to blame genetics or other factors for their illness. The powerless are more apt to take the bait because the alternative is blaming themselves. Blame storming is what conventional medicine sells and that is only one piece of the clever puzzle designed to keep the majority powerless.
When you make a powerless person sick with medicine, they actually demand more medicine. The powerless have lost their ability to think for themselves, use their eyes to see what is going on right in front of them, take action against people who hurt them, question authority or judge the results of their efforts.
Being powerful can be uncomfortable at first but it is better than the alternative. It may be time to re-educate and re-establish your personal power.
Contact 932 4766 to register yourself for my reversing diabetes seminar.
The basis of power throughout history is about one group knowing and another group not knowing. People without power often talk in the same way. Everything is out of their control....that is their basic mind set. One group is lucky and they are not. The powerless often believe they are destined to get done by life, as life blows them around like a leaf in the wind. It's all about what you know and that is why the easy disease cures are kept from the general public. If the greater populations realized their true power, that would not be good for the current group of people who profit from illness and dysfunction.
The uncomfortable thing about being powerful is that you instantly take responsibility for everything in your life. The good is your fault but so is the bad. You created everything in your life but with your power, you can change it at anytime. When you have power, there is no one else to blame for the bad or take credit for the good. You stand alone, the product of your efforts.
Teaching someone to cure disease is about first trying to teach them that they created that situation and that they have the power to reverse it at anytime.
The medical system caters to the "non-powerful" mentality by allowing the powerless to blame genetics or other factors for their illness. The powerless are more apt to take the bait because the alternative is blaming themselves. Blame storming is what conventional medicine sells and that is only one piece of the clever puzzle designed to keep the majority powerless.
When you make a powerless person sick with medicine, they actually demand more medicine. The powerless have lost their ability to think for themselves, use their eyes to see what is going on right in front of them, take action against people who hurt them, question authority or judge the results of their efforts.
Being powerful can be uncomfortable at first but it is better than the alternative. It may be time to re-educate and re-establish your personal power.
Contact 932 4766 to register yourself for my reversing diabetes seminar.
Friday, April 16, 2010
A Cure For Diabetes - What You Are Not Being Told

When I talk to clients at my weight loss clinic or at my area fitness clubs, the story is usually the same. Generally many people have been told they are sick (by their conventional medical professional), they are taking lots of drugs, they are still really sick and that is basically all they know.
For example, people who have high cholesterol usually know absolutely nothing about what cholesterol is, what organ in the body produces cholesterol, why cholesterol is produced in the body, what cholesterol is used for in the body, why it is elevated etc. Forget about those people knowing anything negative or even fatal regarding cholesterol medication or the dangers of lowering cholesterol artificially.
Unfortunately the same can be said about the diabetics I talk to. To this day I have not met a diabetic who received any sound education from their health care professional about what raises blood sugar, how to control it naturally or the dangers of eating bad food and then using a blood sugar measurement as the water mark of health. To most diabetics I talk to, they believe that if their blood sugar is kept under control artificially then somehow they are doing the best they can do. This belief will imprison them as patients for life and take years (even decades) off their lives unless they take the time to self educate.
Most diabetic patients are kept in the dark purposely by the very system they run to for help. For example is there one diabetic reading this who can answer this question for me. If you click here or here (or watch the same videos below) you will see 2 TV commercials (1 minute each) for the world's most widely used class of medication. One commercial warns of blood sugar fluctuations so wild that the blood sugar fluctuations, from taking the medication, can lead to coma or death. The other commercial lists acquiring type II diabetes as a side effect.
Who can tell me why a medication raises blood sugar, when there is no sugar in those medications? (post your answer) Think your doctor is telling you the truth about everything that can aggravate your blood sugar? There are thousands of other substances that can raise blood sugar. (that are not sugar) Conventional doctors don't tell their patients about these factors because a doctor's income is directly tied to their patients being sick. To make people healthy, is to become unemployed.
Who would like to know why non sugar items (like medications) can raise blood sugar and give you type II diabetes?
For that answer you may need to come to my reversing diabetes seminar. Once you find out that answer, you will completely understand what diabetes is, how to reverse it and how little time it will take to accomplish that goal. Call 613 932 4766 to register.
Leave a comment.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
A Cure For Diabetes - Dr. Hyman Reviews The Basics
Click here or watch the same video below to see Dr. Hyman review the basics for reversing diabetes. A couple of years after that video Dr. Hyman released a full program to help clients reverse diabetes outright. Click here to view that program.
What is Dr. Hyman's secret? It's no secret, as thousand of health professional across the country are doing this everyday with hundreds of thousands already cured outright.
Why are drug companies, charities and government officials not releasing this easy to find information regarding the cure for diabetes? The reason is called the expansion principle.
All ideas grow like weeds in the mind. As a new idea takes root in the mind it expands into many other ideas, which are always slightly different but always built on the foundation of the original. For example, if one disease is curable....your mind can make the logical leap into understanding that other disease may also be curable. If medications make one disease worse.......your mind can make connect that conclusions to all medications.
Your mind can make those connections at lightening speed and that is why even the slimmest and faintest glimmer of truth about disease is snuffed out instantly by conventional medicine. For that system to employ who it does, you need to be sick. The more sick the better.
I am having a seminar describing the easy process of reversing diabetes. Call 932 4766 for details.
What is Dr. Hyman's secret? It's no secret, as thousand of health professional across the country are doing this everyday with hundreds of thousands already cured outright.
Why are drug companies, charities and government officials not releasing this easy to find information regarding the cure for diabetes? The reason is called the expansion principle.
All ideas grow like weeds in the mind. As a new idea takes root in the mind it expands into many other ideas, which are always slightly different but always built on the foundation of the original. For example, if one disease is curable....your mind can make the logical leap into understanding that other disease may also be curable. If medications make one disease worse.......your mind can make connect that conclusions to all medications.
Your mind can make those connections at lightening speed and that is why even the slimmest and faintest glimmer of truth about disease is snuffed out instantly by conventional medicine. For that system to employ who it does, you need to be sick. The more sick the better.
I am having a seminar describing the easy process of reversing diabetes. Call 932 4766 for details.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
A Cure For Diabetes - Drug Company Hides Cure from The Public
Think drug companies want to make sure you get healthy? If that was true they would actually be in the business of putting themselves out of business. Click here or watch the same video below to view a whistle blower, inside the medication industry, tell it like it is.
Remember that a whistle blower is a person whose body can no longer live the fib, which the mind is living. In reality the body hates fibs so much that it will eventually force the mind to live truth or it will eliminate the host. That is what forces a whistle blower to act, as the pain of telling the truth is no where near the amount of pain involved with living a lie.
Click here or watch the same video below to see what happened to Dr. Joel Fuhrman when he was invited to publish his diabetes cure inside a prominent medical journal. Guess who stepped in and made sure it didn't happen?
If you get healthy, the drug companies lose stock value and the politicians (who support disease by living their own set of fibs for a pay cheque) lose a good chunk of their political funding. You being happy and healthy is bad for the economy.
I am having a diabetes reversal seminar based on the work of Dr. Gabriel Counsens. Call 613 932 4766 to register.
Remember that a whistle blower is a person whose body can no longer live the fib, which the mind is living. In reality the body hates fibs so much that it will eventually force the mind to live truth or it will eliminate the host. That is what forces a whistle blower to act, as the pain of telling the truth is no where near the amount of pain involved with living a lie.
Click here or watch the same video below to see what happened to Dr. Joel Fuhrman when he was invited to publish his diabetes cure inside a prominent medical journal. Guess who stepped in and made sure it didn't happen?
If you get healthy, the drug companies lose stock value and the politicians (who support disease by living their own set of fibs for a pay cheque) lose a good chunk of their political funding. You being happy and healthy is bad for the economy.
I am having a diabetes reversal seminar based on the work of Dr. Gabriel Counsens. Call 613 932 4766 to register.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
A Cure For Diabetes - Dr. Hyman Talks of The Same Cure
Dr. Hyman's diabetes cure is the same one that Dr. Cousens (highlighted in the blog post below) uses at his clinic. Many other health professionals will also be highlighted in upcoming weeks who use the exact same cure for diabetes.
According to the American Diabetic Association (and other diabetic associations around the world) there is still no cure for diabetes. How can a growing number of medical professionals be curing tens of thousands of patients of diabetes (type II and in some cases even type I) yet the charity representing diabetics avoids telling their members anything about the cure?
The answers to these questions become painfully obvious after attending one of my disease reversal seminars. Only the mind can live a fib, the body can't and unfortunately everyone on the face of the planet has a mind.........so all are equally prone to living a fib here and there.
Medical professionals, charity workers and government officials are equally prone to living fibs. The more distractions in one's life, the easier it is to ignore the clear communication from the body....that it doesn't agree with living any fib. The more distractions in one's life the easier the mind can live an unnatural existance. (distractions are anything that shuts the body talk off or dulls it....like hours of TV, alcohol, processed foods, pain killers, other medications, work addictions, surgeries and other forms of personal crisis etc)
All fibs hurt the the body and that is why the body is programmed to identify fibs and then warn the owner of the body against living them. To the body a fib is anything that will end it's life early. It should be pretty obvious why the body is equipped with an "early warning system" regarding fibs.
The body's first warning that a fib has been encountered is PAIN, both mental and physical. Ignore these signals long enough and eventually you get what conventional medicine calls a disease or what I like to call a physical deformation of the body.
Live fibs long enough and your body shape changes to actually warn others that you are living a fib. The body starts giving up on changing the mind and starts to protect the greater good by visually warning others. (obesity, rashes, thinning hair, acne, faulty posture, eyes not set, rotting teeth, cellulite, white complextion, bad attitude etc) That is how dangerous fibs are, the body is designed to tell others about you (to stay back from you) when you ignore truth. What you call "being physically attractive" is based on living truth........nothing else
As stated throughout my blog posts, (especially the ones dealing with reversing autism) the mind is most easily manipulated by money, fear, advertising and perceived authority. The mind protects it's own self interest while the body is programmed to place the greater good above all else.
Curing disease means anyone involved within the "disease system" would lose their job. (lose their money or security - so the mind sees a world of sick people and a job dealing with all those sick people as good -yet the body knows the entire society is prone to collapse anyway as soon as half the world is sick so that is much worse than looking for another job)
The mind is the child and the body is the wise adult. I like telling the truth to my clients because I am very in tune with my body and the truth it holds, where many medical professionals I know are living the fib that the entire world can be sick and some how the pleasure in their personal lives will not be affected. This is the difference between a wise man and an academic. A wise man's truth comes from the inside and an academics' truth comes from the outside.
A person in tune with nature sees the trade off between money (maybe losing your job) and the chance of having everyone healthy instead......as a great thing or a no brainer. When it comes down to the mind making a decision to let the cure out (most disease cures are exactly the same) or to keep the mind's source of income (it's job)........the mind will side with self interest. In a society based on ignoring body truth and placing self interest as the ultimate business model (capitalism gone wild) we get the situation we have today where both charity and medical system team up to make sure truth is hurried off the stage as fast as possible when it shows up.
Click here or watch the same video below to view Dr. Mark Hyman tell his patients that curing diabetes is easy.
I am having a diabetes reversal seminar May 4th 2010. Call 613 932 4766 to be placed on the list.
According to the American Diabetic Association (and other diabetic associations around the world) there is still no cure for diabetes. How can a growing number of medical professionals be curing tens of thousands of patients of diabetes (type II and in some cases even type I) yet the charity representing diabetics avoids telling their members anything about the cure?
The answers to these questions become painfully obvious after attending one of my disease reversal seminars. Only the mind can live a fib, the body can't and unfortunately everyone on the face of the planet has a mind.........so all are equally prone to living a fib here and there.
Medical professionals, charity workers and government officials are equally prone to living fibs. The more distractions in one's life, the easier it is to ignore the clear communication from the body....that it doesn't agree with living any fib. The more distractions in one's life the easier the mind can live an unnatural existance. (distractions are anything that shuts the body talk off or dulls it....like hours of TV, alcohol, processed foods, pain killers, other medications, work addictions, surgeries and other forms of personal crisis etc)
All fibs hurt the the body and that is why the body is programmed to identify fibs and then warn the owner of the body against living them. To the body a fib is anything that will end it's life early. It should be pretty obvious why the body is equipped with an "early warning system" regarding fibs.
The body's first warning that a fib has been encountered is PAIN, both mental and physical. Ignore these signals long enough and eventually you get what conventional medicine calls a disease or what I like to call a physical deformation of the body.
Live fibs long enough and your body shape changes to actually warn others that you are living a fib. The body starts giving up on changing the mind and starts to protect the greater good by visually warning others. (obesity, rashes, thinning hair, acne, faulty posture, eyes not set, rotting teeth, cellulite, white complextion, bad attitude etc) That is how dangerous fibs are, the body is designed to tell others about you (to stay back from you) when you ignore truth. What you call "being physically attractive" is based on living truth........nothing else
As stated throughout my blog posts, (especially the ones dealing with reversing autism) the mind is most easily manipulated by money, fear, advertising and perceived authority. The mind protects it's own self interest while the body is programmed to place the greater good above all else.
Curing disease means anyone involved within the "disease system" would lose their job. (lose their money or security - so the mind sees a world of sick people and a job dealing with all those sick people as good -yet the body knows the entire society is prone to collapse anyway as soon as half the world is sick so that is much worse than looking for another job)
The mind is the child and the body is the wise adult. I like telling the truth to my clients because I am very in tune with my body and the truth it holds, where many medical professionals I know are living the fib that the entire world can be sick and some how the pleasure in their personal lives will not be affected. This is the difference between a wise man and an academic. A wise man's truth comes from the inside and an academics' truth comes from the outside.
A person in tune with nature sees the trade off between money (maybe losing your job) and the chance of having everyone healthy instead......as a great thing or a no brainer. When it comes down to the mind making a decision to let the cure out (most disease cures are exactly the same) or to keep the mind's source of income (it's job)........the mind will side with self interest. In a society based on ignoring body truth and placing self interest as the ultimate business model (capitalism gone wild) we get the situation we have today where both charity and medical system team up to make sure truth is hurried off the stage as fast as possible when it shows up.
Click here or watch the same video below to view Dr. Mark Hyman tell his patients that curing diabetes is easy.
I am having a diabetes reversal seminar May 4th 2010. Call 613 932 4766 to be placed on the list.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
A Cure For Diabetes - New Seminar

I am proud to announce a new disease reversal seminar May 4th from 5:30 to 8:30, which will reveal the well documented cure for diabetes. Click here or watch the same video below to watch the cure in full stride.........and not just for type II........type 1 as well.
The cure for diabetes has to be conventional medicines' worst kept secret. The cure rate of any person with diabetes has really nothing to do with the well documented plan to reverse that disease. (the cure has always been available in many doctor authored books) The cure rate has to do with a person's teachability index.
A person's teachability index is based on three factors. #1 Who is the patient listening to for their information? If a person is programmed to listen solely to the conventional medical professionals who focus on treatments (meaning the patient stays diseased) instead of cures, then a cure will rarely be considered by that patient.
If you have a goal in life, hang around people who have already accomplished that goal. Understand the difference between disease management/treatment (getting lots of attention but staying diseased) and cures. (meaning you are cured in as little as 7 days - as can be observed in the video above - and then you move on with other challenges in your life)
I will review the other factors contained within a person's teachability index in a following post Call 613 932 4766 to place yourself on the diabetes cure seminar list. Have a great day and see you there.
Thursday, April 8, 2010

The government and ruling class liked to burn books throughout history because the elite class certainly knows the power of ideas. All ideas are considered by the mind as initially true. The more the mind hears about one idea or another the more likely it is to take action on it. That is what all advertising is based on.
How the mind processes ideas is a universal law, much like the law of relativity or the law of gravity. You can't shut down or destroy such laws (because they exist in all things, at all times and in every location simultaneously) so when you don't want others to see such laws......all you can do is hide them and then hope the working class never discover their true power. These universal laws are actually the foundational operating manual of life itself. Find out these laws and your power is unlimited.
There is still modern forms of book burning (what keeps the poor powerless), like in the case of any medical study that questions the foundations of profit....that our sick care economy is based on. Just like burning books, the entire drive is to make sure the average person is left to feed on ideas that continually dis-empower them.
The poor are always given the ideas that don't really work. Medicines that don't make them healthy. Financial planners that keep them poor and tax laws that see them punished for trying to do more. Do you ever wonder why most people are where they are? It's because the wrong information dis-empowers like no other.
Click here or watch the same video below to hear of such a case where the average Joe is kept dumb, poor, fat and dis-empowered by the medical community. The truth is always hurried off the stage so that Jane and Joe North American never remember what truth looks like. When you don't know what truth looks like, it's easier to live a life of fibs. Think your doctor is there to make you healthy? What proof are you basing this on?
In the video above and in the case of burning books the people behind the curtain are afraid of the expansion principle. The forces behind the injustices are aware that ideas take root in the brain and grow like trees. From one idea, can come many.
If you question vaccines because of the mercury than mercury teeth fillings are next. If you question doctors being in control of immunity, you may question doctors controlling cholesterol, mood, thyroid function and blood pressure etc. If you were ever to find out that the body knows best in one area........you will quickly realize that the body knows best in all areas. If you ever find out the medical community has lied to you for 100 years about vaccines then that idea will expand into questioning more of what they do. If you ever found out that you can do it, then you don't need someone to do it for you.
The "idea seeds" that can blossom into you becoming independent of their control is what they are always trying to burn or destroy.
For things to stay the same for them, things must stay the same for you. The more power for you, the less for them. The more you know, the less they can sell you the ideas that they know. You can never avoid the forces of darkness. All you can do is educate yourself and avoid them.
It isn't what you don't know that gets you into trouble........it's what you know for sure that just ain't so. (Mark Twain)
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Autism Reversal Seminar - Smashing Success
Thank you to all who attended.
The reversing autism seminar went last night to rave reviews. Many parents and grand parents came in and left with the story, which the conventional medical community often hides from view.
One person attending had minor concerns that the seminar was advertised as "a cure" for autism.
This wonderful person's frequent communication with parties who have never cured any child of the disease, had set this false idea into her mind as "truth". (that there was no cure so by using the word "cure" I was false advertising or giving false hope etc)
I explained how the mind can live a lie, that the body can't and how to learn how to identify body truth from mind truth. The mind is the child who believes anything but the body is the ultimate truth who you can always rely on to guide you out of pain and into pleasure. That is where I start with all people.
When I rolled out this video or the same one below (and many more) this great person started to understand that the ideas sold to her in the past about autism were not the whole story. By the end of the seminar she was not only well aware that tens of thousands of families are curing their children everyday of all disorders on the autism spectrum but the information to cure is often purposely kept from parents by the charities, conventional medical professionals and government organizations that the parents often turn to for help.
We took the evidence and worked backwards, with plenty of help from other health professionals via video presentation. By the end of the seminar the chain of evidence was clear. The parents were not being told the whole story........not by a country mile.
This person knew of no "outright/full reversal" cures because everyone she consulted never cured anyone completely, so she believed no outright cure existed. This is logical. When you have any goal in life, hang around people who have already accomplished that goal. (like Dr. Hyman)
Every parent at the seminar is starting to cure their children this morning. That is a great feeling. Click here to view Dr. Mark Hyman's step by step guide for reversing autism and other learning disorders. (what he refers to as the cases of a broken brain)
The reversing autism seminar went last night to rave reviews. Many parents and grand parents came in and left with the story, which the conventional medical community often hides from view.
One person attending had minor concerns that the seminar was advertised as "a cure" for autism.
This wonderful person's frequent communication with parties who have never cured any child of the disease, had set this false idea into her mind as "truth". (that there was no cure so by using the word "cure" I was false advertising or giving false hope etc)
I explained how the mind can live a lie, that the body can't and how to learn how to identify body truth from mind truth. The mind is the child who believes anything but the body is the ultimate truth who you can always rely on to guide you out of pain and into pleasure. That is where I start with all people.
When I rolled out this video or the same one below (and many more) this great person started to understand that the ideas sold to her in the past about autism were not the whole story. By the end of the seminar she was not only well aware that tens of thousands of families are curing their children everyday of all disorders on the autism spectrum but the information to cure is often purposely kept from parents by the charities, conventional medical professionals and government organizations that the parents often turn to for help.
We took the evidence and worked backwards, with plenty of help from other health professionals via video presentation. By the end of the seminar the chain of evidence was clear. The parents were not being told the whole story........not by a country mile.
This person knew of no "outright/full reversal" cures because everyone she consulted never cured anyone completely, so she believed no outright cure existed. This is logical. When you have any goal in life, hang around people who have already accomplished that goal. (like Dr. Hyman)
Every parent at the seminar is starting to cure their children this morning. That is a great feeling. Click here to view Dr. Mark Hyman's step by step guide for reversing autism and other learning disorders. (what he refers to as the cases of a broken brain)
Monday, April 5, 2010
Autism Cure - A Mother's Truth Is Based On Her Son's Autism
One more day until my reversing autism seminar. One quarter of my lecture is dedicated to how teachable a person is. Another quarter is dedicated to the process by which humans can find truth within absolutely any situation.
People must prepare for new ideas because the old ideas produced the old results. If change is wanted in some one's life, their life must change. A simple concept that many people battle when they first hear it. The first step is that you have to admit you don't know. That's hard and I talk about why it's hard and how to get past it.
Everything you know as truth comes directly from the body. Fire burns, falling out of a tree will break your leg, sex feels good and hugs feel good etc. You would know none of these things without your body letting you know what was what. Those truths are the same for me as they are for you.
To the body truth is anything that makes you live longer and fibs are anything that make you die early. The body connects fibs to pain so you avoid them and therefore you avoid dying early. The body connects truth to pleasure so you seek truth and therefore live the longest life possible.
Fibs hurt the body and deform the body. Truth helps the body. Are vaccines safe? If you want your answer you need do nothing more than pass it by the body because the body doesn't lie. (so inject them on in there at your own risk given what truth you have witnessed in other children who have been subjected to them) There is only one truth....not two. Nobody holds the truth except the body itself.
Pass what ever idea or product you wish by the body if you really want the truth about it.
Only the mind can live a lie. That means the mind can be easily convinced of anything but the body reserves the right to judge exclusively as to what is healthy for the body and what hurts it.
Can you find the medical doctor in this video or the same one below who has a mind that is living a fib? (for a pay cheque) The mind is easily manipulated by a pay cheque, perceived authority or advertising. The body is a walking lie detector.......feed any idea you like into it and watch the reaction......the body will let you know what "truth" is.
The mother (in the video above) knows the truth because she states, ".. all the proof I need is by looking at my son!". Our bodies don't lie.
How many fibs are you living? The more fibs you live, the more pain you will have, the more physical deformities you will have and the more mental deformities you will have. Take off your cloths and take a look.
The body shows its' insults/fibs physically and also mentally. Both are really easy to pick out. Remember a fib to the body is anything that ends its' life prematurely. The deformities are the body's smoke signal for you to take notice. Ignore those and you ignore everything ever encoded into your DNA.
Call 932 4766 for more information on attending the seminar.
People must prepare for new ideas because the old ideas produced the old results. If change is wanted in some one's life, their life must change. A simple concept that many people battle when they first hear it. The first step is that you have to admit you don't know. That's hard and I talk about why it's hard and how to get past it.
Everything you know as truth comes directly from the body. Fire burns, falling out of a tree will break your leg, sex feels good and hugs feel good etc. You would know none of these things without your body letting you know what was what. Those truths are the same for me as they are for you.
To the body truth is anything that makes you live longer and fibs are anything that make you die early. The body connects fibs to pain so you avoid them and therefore you avoid dying early. The body connects truth to pleasure so you seek truth and therefore live the longest life possible.
Fibs hurt the body and deform the body. Truth helps the body. Are vaccines safe? If you want your answer you need do nothing more than pass it by the body because the body doesn't lie. (so inject them on in there at your own risk given what truth you have witnessed in other children who have been subjected to them) There is only one truth....not two. Nobody holds the truth except the body itself.
Pass what ever idea or product you wish by the body if you really want the truth about it.
Only the mind can live a lie. That means the mind can be easily convinced of anything but the body reserves the right to judge exclusively as to what is healthy for the body and what hurts it.
Can you find the medical doctor in this video or the same one below who has a mind that is living a fib? (for a pay cheque) The mind is easily manipulated by a pay cheque, perceived authority or advertising. The body is a walking lie detector.......feed any idea you like into it and watch the reaction......the body will let you know what "truth" is.
The mother (in the video above) knows the truth because she states, ".. all the proof I need is by looking at my son!". Our bodies don't lie.
How many fibs are you living? The more fibs you live, the more pain you will have, the more physical deformities you will have and the more mental deformities you will have. Take off your cloths and take a look.
The body shows its' insults/fibs physically and also mentally. Both are really easy to pick out. Remember a fib to the body is anything that ends its' life prematurely. The deformities are the body's smoke signal for you to take notice. Ignore those and you ignore everything ever encoded into your DNA.
Call 932 4766 for more information on attending the seminar.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
A Week In Review

Click here to view the "60 Minutes" report on the dangers of pesticides, which are covering all our non-organic food choices. People who refuse to take care of their health only transfer that responsibility to others. Sick people have to start understanding that they need to take care of themselves or they will take down everyone else with them. HINT........the stock markets are reflective of our ability to make good decisions and work. Bad food affects the mind and the body negatively.
Click here to learn about the dangers of genetically modified foods that are in the majority of non-organic processed "food-like" products.
Click here to watch Jamie Oliver on TED TALKS regarding what the government is feeding our children at school. It's hard to tell anymore if the educational content (based on teaching children what it takes to lead a very conformist lifestyle), the toxic learning medications endorsed by school officials, the cafeteria food or the one sided vaccine drives are the worst thing about our modern school system..........and we wonder why our kids are sick, fat and can't learn. The people who get paid by the government will back them with their lives but what about the results? What happened to judging the results? Full speed ahead, right off the cliff.
Click here to watch Dr. Gary Null's documentary, which explores the drugs parents are endorsing for their children. Don't do drugs except if they are from a doctor. Do you think those parents may want to start feeding their children healthy foods....which are proven to increase learning and not drugs that are linked to school shootings, increased depression and suicide? This cycle starts with parents thinking they are powerless and that "others" (never self) can remedy the issues. I can't but someone else can...........that is the foundation of being powerless. Drop off your problems at the doctor's office and pick the solved problems up after work. When a child's soul can tell that what they are being taught will most likely make them a slave....just drug them and keep it rolling. When the teachers feel the same way, drug them as well.
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