Getting healthy is great for you personally but not so great for companies who profit from illness. My readers are aware that there is no "big profit" in healthy people. Healthy people control their household budgets properly, healthy people are more prone to consider the earth when they purchase items, they consume less of the planet's resources, they are rarely chronically ill (and if they are ill they never turn to medications) and their health allows them to enter a plain of existence that drives them away from unhealthy purchases and activities.
Healthy people will never grow the economy based on working too much, getting sick, running toward medications for help and then finding the spare time to spend their money (plus what ever they can get on credit) on things that just keep that deadly cycle moving forward. The people feeling the biggest pinch because you are getting healthy are obviously the companies who profit from illness.
These companies are becoming more and more irritated by the rapid move away from drugs, surgeries, chemo therapies and radiation treatments. Conventional doctors are also getting beaten back by well educated clients who question their MD's robotic prescription drug and surgery suggestions.
My friend's father was in the hospital lately and the doctor became very aggressive when he was questioned about why he was prescribing certain drugs. The doctor later admitted he was just using a "hit and miss approach" (that means he was guessing) with the medications, some of which were severely hurting the health of the patient and driving the patient more quickly toward death.
This highly profitable sector of our sick care system will not sit idle and watch it's profits slip away. They are firing back and I do not want to alarm you but you should be concerned. These companies often use various government channels to force their unhealthy products on people, against their will.
These are the new dangers of being healthy. If you want to be healthy and not take drugs our governments will change the laws so drug companies can hunt us down and force unhealthy procedures/medications on the population. Being healthy or living healthy is now being targeted for termination. Our government is becoming more of a "corporate headquarters" and less of a reflection of what we need as a society.
Click here to read about a court in the US that ruled a 13 year boy had to take chemo against his will.
Click here to read that this child and his mother are now on the run from the U.S. government, who are literally chasing them with a bag or bottle of chemotherapy proven to cause cancer. The evidence is crystal clear. Chemotherapy and radiation are carcinogenic (they cause cancer) and destroy the body. This is clearly documented in Dr. Russell Blaylock's Book Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients.
This movie, The Beautiful Truth, was just released by the Gerson Institute proving that cancer's best cure is indeed natural methods, which aid the body in fighting cancer. Making the body stronger and not destroying it.
The processed food and chemical industries always support the drug industry because all natural therapies are based on the removal of chemicals and junk food. The junk food companies, the drug companies and the chemical companies are all holding hands and are marching toward you. That is why you see fast food restaurants, medications and chemicals in our hospitals. It takes a good team to keep you sick.
I have a friend who had cancer and a nurse was assigned to visit him at his home. Dr. Blaylock's guide to treating cancer listed all the foods that increased cancer growth and spread. The visiting nurse presented diet recommendations that were all proven to cause cancer. (every food she recommended was on Dr. Blaylock's list of items that made every aspect of cancer worse) Dr. Blaylock also warns the readers not to be surprised when this happens so my friend graciously refused the diet yet the nurse came on stronger and said,"everything in moderation won't hurt ya". My friend could not believe that what he had read was actually coming true, word for word.
Lets listen to Dr. Thomas Lodi explain how he cures cancer everyday at his clinic without carcinogenic chemotherapy/radiation or body damaging surgeries.
Stay healthy at all costs and watch for drug pushers hidden in government policy attempting to push their toxic products on you and your family. Start protecting yourself today at Physical Limits. Come in for our $10 for 1 month trial and kick start your healthy lifestyle today. 613 932 4766
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