Simple, the information is wrong and the structures spreading the false information are everywhere. The 3 biggest lies which lay the foundation for an overweight population are 1) that calories impact your health equally regardless of quality, 2) that saturated fat causes fat gain and 3) that dietary cholesterol and fatty foods raise your cholesterol levels and then in turn clog your arteries to cause heart disease. (throw in the lie that disease is a medication deficiency and we are really off to the races) A clip from this movie sums things up perfectly. (2 mins)
When you see any person or advertisement telling another person or a viewer about a great new "low fat" product (or a crap food that comes in a 100 calorie bag), it simply reinforces this type of false information. Low fat products and low calorie processed foods are unhealthy regardless of quantity and they actually accelerate fat gain and disease immensely.

I remember a well written letter from a reader of mine directed to City Hall, right here in Cornwall. She presented the new evidence against adding fluoride to our city's water supply. (click here if you are unaware why fluoride will damage your health) The return letter from City Hall basically said, "well, we have always done it that way.......but we will look into the matter".
This "we have always done it so we will continue to do it" stick your head in the sand approach is the reason we can no longer count on central authorities to make us healthy and give us the truth about what is hurting us.
We are all going to die and if we are unhealthy we die much sooner than we are supposed to. We just do not have enough time to wait for someone else to save us. If the fear of death can't motivate you to live well, nothing will.
World renowned health icon Paul Chek said it best when he described the world escalating to disaster by creating the most complex problems in human history and at the same time poisoning the I.Q.'s of all humans with chemicals and processed junk foods, continually eroding our ability to even recognize the problems.....let alone solve them. The solution for these complex issues is that everyone must take their own action and take care of their own household.
Get the right information about diet, weight gain and health at Physical Limits. You are all invited to my free health seminar Sunday June 7th at Summit Fitness. Call Physical Limits at 613 932 4766 to reserve your spot.
WARNING - side effects from attending my seminar and getting truthful health information include; weight loss, increased sex drive, bouts of chasing your partner playfully around the bedroom, increased enjoyment from the simple things in life, increases in confidence, self esteem and self worth, the ability to sit still and be at peace with yourself, higher IQ and the resulting increases in income it will provide and decreased consumption of the foods and habits that destroy the overall health of you and your family. Maybe it is time you ask your doctor if getting healthy, making more money, having fun, getting off your medications and living your best life is right for you.
See you there and it will be a great time.
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