The easiest way to make healthy children is to start at least 6 months prior to conception. It is also important to understand that the quality of a male's sperm is directly affected by their diet, exercise frequency and lifestyle habits. The mother is in control of what happens after conception but the health of the male's sperm plays a direct role in the health of the child. Both parents have to get active to produce healthy offspring, not just the mother.
In the book "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" Dr. Weston A. Price recounts how he travelled the world for 10 years documenting how cultures, who produced the healthiest children, all had mandatory diets for couples who planned to marry. A child that could not fill their role in society always posed a threat to the entire tribe. That is why new couples were never permitted to gamble with their nutrition. This ancient wisdom and how it helps build a healthy society appears lost on our currently government regulators.
Parents should follow these simple rules before conception.
- perform a full organ cleanse 6 months prior to conception (we carry these at Physical Limits)
- apply these sleep habit rules to both parents 6 months prior to conception
- use the resources at the Weston A Price Foundation to make a pre-conception, pregnancy and post pregnancy diet for both baby and mother
- start exercising 3 times per week for 1 full year prior to conception
- move to a fully organic and healthy lifestyle - removing all chemicals from the household - this includes removing things like Teflon pans, the microwave, chemicals based personal care products, chemical household cleaners etc
- take a good prenatal vitamin from New Chapter (available at Physical Limits)
- take a good probiotic for 30 days - 3 months prior to conception (available at Physical Limits)
- breast feed for at least 6 months and preferable up to 1-2 years
- get highly educated on vaccines using these resources What Doctors Don't Tell You, Health and Nutrition Secrets That Could Save Your Life and the documentary, "Vaccines - The Hidden Truth", - children with low nutritional status are much more likely to be damaged by vaccines - regardless my family avoids all vaccinations
- create strong mental barriers against medically designed fear that lubricates the use of unhealthy products like anti-boitics, children's Tylenol and other medications that target parents in vulnerable states of mind...re-establish trust in the body and the process of illness.......illness often means the body is working properly
-remove things like wireless Internet, cells phones, TVs and electrical devices away from baby and expecting mothers - do not even place anyone's bed/crib (that includes the parents) near an electrical outlet..........this short video explains why every parent needs to do this.
What parents eat has been proven to change the genetic expression of the child. The PBS Nova documentary titled The Ghosts in Our Genes demonstrated that the diet and environment that our parents and grandparents were exposed to does effect the genetic expression of future generations.
This is also seen in animals where signals from the environment (bad food quality, chemical bombardment, high metabolic stresses) reset the genes of the animal for shorter stature, lowered IQ, a reduction in rational behavior and violence.
These genetic adaptations are highly advantageous where bad food quality acts as an environmental signal to the body that a more aggressive animal is needed to compete for what little good food remains. If two animals exist with only one piece of food in front of them, the most violent animal wins every time and the body knows this. The body is designed to maximize it's chances of survival and you (as the owner of the body) have no say what so ever in these processes........but you can avoid the bad food that sets it all off.
The grocery store today is full of food like substances yet the body understands those products are little more than poison. The end result of ingesting these products is always lowered IQ and highly aggressive behavior associated with an increased need to compete for what good food is left. Oddly enough all medications (being that they are not food and all chemical) only accelerate this defensive genetic modification. Simple stuff really. If humans are healthy they are calm and intelligent. If humans are not healthy they are less rational and violent.
Our genetics are like a Swiss army knife, ready to expose the best blade for each given situation. Toxins, chemicals, non-organic foods and anything else unnatural sets our genes for the worst we are capable of becoming. Although control is the answer, many will turn their back on that responsibility.
For the best information on how food effects how we act please watch Dr. Russell Blaylock's video lecture titled, "Nutrition and Behavior"..
For the information you simply will not get anywhere else, count on Physical Limits. Start your healthy lifestyle today with our $10 for 1 month trial. Call us for more details at 613 932 4766.
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