Friday, April 10, 2009

One Cure for Bipolar Disorder

Click the title to go right to the article and related videos.

One must even be careful with such titles as they hold the potential to reinforce many foundations off ill health. Dr. Mark Hyman, in his book The UltraMind Solution, states that descriptions and names of behavior disorders are just that..........they are only descriptions and names. Regardless of the name, they are never designed to help any patient address the root cause of the problem.

A child at age 3 starts to ask "WHY?", in regards to everything they see. WHY is important. Patients are taught never to ask "WHY?" Finding out WHY someone is not feeling well is obviously the best way to address the issue.

Why such a focus on the "name game" when the symptoms of ill health are just covered over with medications. Patients with various behavior disorders are obviously not suffering from a lack of foreign chemicals in their body. (and in many cases they are proven to already have an excess of foreign chemicals in their bodies)

These patients need body support, not body attack. They need to improve their level of health, not to decrease it. The more medications a patient takes the more ill they become, just read Dr. Hyman's book.

Does this commercial for Abilify (a medication for bipolar disorder) sound like it increases health? If I offered a health program that had the same side effects listed in this commercial, would you join? People only see what they want to see. What are your impressions of this TV ad? I only see additional ill health. What do you see? Roll the 30 second commercial.

These names (bipolar disorder, bipolar mania, manic depression, schizophrenia etc) come from the imagination of doctors in the associated fields, for the sole purpose of increasing the number of drugs permitted to be used on patients. Don't believe me, believe the doctors and psychiatrists in this movie who say exactly the same thing.

The drive of all medical testing and diagnosis is to first come up with the name of the disorder or disease. (in the depression field diagnosis is all no concrete test even exists to diagnosis someone as depressed or bipolar etc) These names (all just pulled from a doctor's imagination) simply correspond to a drug. The more names, the more drugs and the more profit.

Taking only one depression medication is so 90's. Being on a 4-6 drug cocktail of sleep aids, anti-depressants, stimulants and anti psychotics is the new trend. To get more profit you need healthy people on drugs and/or you need the people on drugs to take more drugs. It is that simple. If these medications worked, where are all the happy people? Would these medicated people not stand out as the "happy" people in the work place?

In a world where everyone wants to be different, inventing different disease names also makes new patients feel special. Having a different disease name can also make patients more accepting (almost attaining a sense of individual pride) of their medication and their associated disorder. Who wants the same disease as half the people on the street? The fashion industry cranks out new styles every season, auto makers change car models every year and the antidepressant industry knows new drugs and new disease names sell much better than last year's old drugs and old disease names.

As we can see from the video below, there is overwhelming evidence that behavior disorders are linked to a lack of nutrition. A simple multi vitamin marketed by TrueHope called Empowerplus is showing remarkable results with people having almost every "name" across the behavioral disorder spectrum. Regardless of the "disorder name" this simple supplement is curing people and the reason it is so successful is that most of these disorders are nutrition based.

I like the idea that these people are getting help but one must understand that eating the foods that hold these vitamins can provide even greater benefits than vitamins on their own. (even though the vitamins themselves are helping cure many patients outright) Either option is great compared to the mountain of negative side effects associated with all anti-depressants. (as can easily be seen in the Abilify commercial above) Below is the video showing the curing ability of Empowerplus, a simple vitamin combination.

What is really disturbing is the psychiatrist, at the end of the Fox News story above, saying that high dose vitamins are drugs. WOW, what a dangerous step in the wrong direction that is.

Drugs and vitamins are not the same. Such a statement simply reflects how nervous the medical community gets when people don't want their drugs. Drugs have side effects at regular dose and vitamins do not. Regular dose, properly prescribed medications have killed over 2 million patients in the U.S. (that is just the US!!) over the past 25 years and vitamins have killed 10. (and those 10 deaths are just reports with no concrete link being demonstrated). When you hear stories of people trying to committ suicide, is it with medications or vitamins? Vitamins help people and drugs hurt people. To place drugs in the same category as vitamins is an insult to basic intelligence.

That psychiatrist does not know how to cure anyone, lets face it. He knows how to give pills to his patients. If patients want healthy pills, the doctor in the video (and most of his entire profession) wants to own access to those pills instead.

If that doctor was asked to make people healthy he would be out of a job. That is why he is worried. I would be nervous as well if my education taught me nothing about health and everything about toxic medications. Take away the chemicals that hurt his patients and his income is zero! That was not the deal society offered that doctor when he entered medical school. The deal was he would always receive a high wage and higher societal status for drugging his patients. If the world does not want drugs is these doctors that are going to do everything they can to keep the world of dangerous drugs alive.

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