If someone rakes my lawn, I pay them. I derive the benefit of the job being completed and the person who raked the lawn acquires money to spend. (their benefit) What does this have to do with health? The answer is plenty.
Inside that small scenario lives all the mechanisms necessary to keep a society healthy. The reward system of receiving a benefit (the person raking the lawn getting money) for providing a benefit (me having a clean lawn) actually re-enforces very valuable lessons within a healthy society. The proper functioning of the "give a benefit/get a benefit" system acts like a miniature protection mechanism for a healthy society and keeps everything progressing forward.
What would happen if the person, who was suppose to rake my lawn, got paid regardless if the lawn was raked or not? That person then starts to believe that working (effort) is no longer required to acquire the benefit. (the money). That person would miss the lessons associated with hard work, they would get paid anyway and I would still have a dirty lawn.
North America is starting to apply this new inverted reward model to it's health care system, it's economic system and many other facets of our society. Just like other empires throughout history, when people do not want to work...the empire eventually crumbles.
We see auto companies in Canada and banks in the U.S. receiving money (a big benefit) for doing terrible work or not doing work period. This may look good initially but it overrides the natural "give a benefit/get a benefit" system meant to keep a society progressing.
These companies deserve to be punished in a natural way and they deserve a negative outcome for not running their affairs properly. By interfering with the natural "give a benefit/get a benefit" system, our own government is actually re-teaching everyone involved that a lack of work or an excess of shoddy work is what gets a positive reward. Hard work and the positive results that come with it are being discouraged and subverted.
You can't say being good brings positive results and also say that negative outcomes can also bring the same positive results. That is confusing. A society must be very clear on what is negative and what is positive so that the majority of people move in the same direction.
This foundational flaw is also in our health care system. Instead of encouraging hard work and the rewards that come with it our health care system encourages inefficiency, inaction and negative outcomes.
I am healthy and so are you. This takes plenty of work. My blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure are all normal. When a citizen has similar functions that are out of whack (like high cholesterol or type II diabetes) from a bad lifestyle, they are given medications to bring those functions into normal ranges. The hard work to be healthy is subverted and a perceived benefit is provided for doing absolutely nothing positive.
The body stays sick, the patient's health decreases because of all the side effects and the society becomes more dysfunctional. Only one party benefits. (the companies that make money from sick people) Why would anyone living in North American put in the hard work to be healthy when our medical community tells people that all the effort can be subverted by taking medications and getting surgeries?
The message is also "why work when you don't have to"? Everything from welfare to our health care system and from corporate bailouts to gastric bypass surgery. The message is always the same.
When our government invents a new system that promotes inefficiency and inaction, the outcomes will never be good. We are seeing this now, it will only get worse, humans are easily attracted to such a system and no one is talking about it.
Have you ever talked to a teacher who passed a student because the modern school system is afraid to adopt a normal punishment component? (keeping kids back who need to be held back) Have you witnessed our courts being unable to hand out proper punishments? Have you seen someone getting government welfare payments who is fully capable of working? Have you ever heard a doctor threaten to stop seeing a patient unless they stop smoking? Have you ever taken an aspirin for headache after a hard night of drinking?
Sometimes the pain, failures and bad situations are the benefit. The valuable punishments and life lessons are always avoided here in North America. Imagine running your entire life like this. (where everything is done to keep the party going and avoid the hangover) Now imagine running an entire country like this. We are not only subverting valuable punishment and life lessons inside our health care system, this avoidance of reality is rampant throughout our entire society. Once you learn about the invisible forces designed to keep you down, only then can you fight back.
Watch part 2 of this BBC report on the anti-depressant Seroxat and watch how we have become a society obsessed with bypassing the "give a benefit/get a benefit" system. The end result is that most of society receives no "benefit". In short, people who do not provide a benefit to society need to get negative feedback. That is just not happening right now.
Lets get moving toward a healthy lifestyle at Physical Limits. See you there. 613 932 4766.
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