It is better to be safe than sorry, that is for sure but is the swine flu incident going to be used to force vaccines on a frightened public? If aspirin and similar non prescription pain relievers kill 20,000 Americans every year, why so much attention on 7 deaths?. The answer is simple.
Are you panicked? What do panicked people really want? They want the panic to stop and that is when a vaccine manufacturer (with the help of our government) will present you with their product to ease the panic. This involves millions of dollars trading hands behind closed doors and the sales pitch always centers around the general public receiving the biggest benefit. The public rarely benefits in such scenarios as harm from vaccines are more common than people are led to believe, our government pays inflated prices for vaccines and these pandemics rarely occur.
Can you see the line up at the health unit now for a brand new (untested) swine flu vaccine? If mass vaccination is endorsed, the government always starts with their own workers first and this is an abuse of the employee/employer relationship if there ever was one. If you are a government employee you have a bigger target on your back than the public at large. After the government workers are hit it becomes a "if I got it/you are getting it" sort of slide from there.
Do vaccines provide immunity in the first place? Is the risk of dying from a vaccine larger or smaller than dying from the disease for which a vaccine is given? Are you even aware that you can die from getting vaccinated? The answers will surprise you and they are listed in this great book by medical researcher Lynne McTaggart. There is plenty more you do not hear about.
Did you hear about the vaccine manufacturer, just last month, who was found to have placed live avian flu virus in their flu vaccine? This would have started a fatal outbreak of avian flu if one of the countries involved had not tested the vaccine on animals before distributing it to the public. Some accusations against the vaccine manufacturer center around them placing the live virus in the vaccine on purpose to drive sales of their own avian flu vaccine.
Basically this company is being accused by some of actually trying to kill people to sell more vaccines. The same company has now been appointed to get moving and make the new swine flu vaccine. A brilliant way to protect the public I thought. Click here to read about what happened. Do you think that information is in the waiting room at the local hospital or health unit?
Many people will jump out of their seats to give the "right answer" (the answer they have been taught to give) regarding vaccine safety but they will often reserve no time to read any medical documentation that proves vaccines are not safe. Click here to listen to Health Ranger Show #75: Interview with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny on the Dangers of Vaccines.
Vaccines do provide an increase in specific antibodies and authorities use the existence of those antibodies to sell you the idea that your immunity has improved. What the public is rarely told is that some of the largest outbreaks of the diseases vaccinated against have occurred in vaccinated populations. On top of that the infected people (who were vaccinated) tested positive for having the antibodies bragged about by the vaccine manufacturers. That means there is a chance you can get vaccinated, have the antibodies and still get the exact same disease you were vaccinated against.
The whole vaccination idea is just so North American medicine based: 1) getting something for nothing without any work (like implying a person with type II diabetes is healthy as long as they take insulin etc) and 2) making someone appear healthy with drug manipulation. (like lowering someone's cholesterol artificially just to pass a test to also make them think they are healthy). In North America the idea of getting something for nothing is rampant.
With lifestyle concepts like this people are encouraged to avoid the work that comes with being healthy or the pain of actually getting sick to build stronger and natural immunity. The lessons of "work for reward" or "going through tough times to become a stonger person" are being turned on their heads. It is like trying to sell people the idea that they can be stronger by not exercising.
In some cases the chance of death attributed to the disease is less than the chance of death from getting the vaccination. That means, that in some cases, your chance of death from getting a particular vaccine has been measured as higher than dying from the disease itself. All these facts are clearly and professionally documented in Lynne McTaggert's book cited above.
Click here for Dr. Joe Mercola's recent report on what you need to know about the swine flu. Take a deep breath and relax. Panic is sold first and the medical solution is always sold second. The triple P's. Pandemic......panic.....profit. Panic has been proven to actually disengage logical thinking and lower IQ. That is why the formula works so well. It is a business model to be admired for it's effectivness but feared for it's motives.