Friday, November 7, 2008

Why Are Males Disappearing?

If you do not believe the body is highly intelligent, think again. The body is equipped with many metabolic functions that are designed to protect us in all situations.

For example, if it is hot out we sweat. If our skin is exposed to excess sunlight it will turn red. If our food is bad we will throw up or have diarrhoea. If an attractive mate is in our area we will take notice. If we are suddenly scared we actually breath out rapidly, triggering instant strength in our back/core just in case physical confrontation is required. If something comes flying at our eye it shuts automatically. Everything the body does has a purpose. Everything the body does is designed to protect us. We have no say in controlling these actions. We could not turn them off if we tried and they operate whether we like it or not.

The questions are.....

"Does the body have a genetic function designed to control our own human population?"

"Does life itself have a program to target dangers and eliminate them, even if it means targeting ourselves for destruction?"

"Does nature operate just like our very own justice system, with a series of progressive warnings and punishments?" "Humans have the death penalty as the ultimate punishment for people who cross the final line in the sand..........does nature have the same?"

"Can nature throw itself on the proverbial grenade to make sure that things, which threaten the planet, are targeted for termination".

"Is nature voting us off the planet?"

These questions are pondered by many scientists and free thinkers in regards to cancer rates, auto-immune disorders, high suicide rates, the sharp decreases in the bee population and similar deceases in the bat populations etc. (without bees and bats pollinating flowers the humans run out of food).

When modern science is telling stories of these occurrences being chance happenings many others are giving credit to nature's ultimate design and intelligence. Are these chance happenings or purposeful modifications designed to take down the largest threat to our plant's

This theory of nature's superior intelligence was subtly exhibited in M. Night Shyamalan's major motion picture "The Happening". Here is the movie trailer. The movie is about a mysterious force that causes humans to just start killing themselves on mass. The culprit is eventually found out to be a hormone secreted by the trees.

The reason this blog is being written today is because this trend is starting to appear everywhere. That trend is in regards to nature finding out ingenious ways to slow humans down or eliminate them altogether. That trend is in regards to how the human body is rearranging it's DNA to make sure there is less and less of us as time goes on. This effect is now accelerating and is brilliantly exposed in a brand new CBC special that just aired last week.

This CBC special documents the fact that males of all species are disappearing at an alarming rate. The world's sperm count has dropped by a mind boggling 50% over the past 40 years alone. Of the 50% of the sperm that is deemed of a good quality, 85% has been proven too slow to make a positive impact on fertility. Man's over use of chemicals, which mimic estrogen, is highlighted in the documentary as the reason behind the change in fertility patterns. (we also see this effect based on pollution of all types - not just estrogen) Lets watch a trailer for the documentary below.

One of man's greatest underestimations is in the intelligence of the human body and nature itself. Today our scientific leaders declare all metabolic malfunctions as mere accidents. There are many scientists who believe these modifications (like the elimination of males or a male's ability to reproduce) are purposeful and intelligent responses of the body, to control a population of organisms who are destroying the planet.

Sacrificing one's life to preserve another is not unheard of in nature, far from it. Just ask a Kamikaze pilot, a bee that just released it's stinger or a mother defending her child. A body is designed to willingly perish if it means life will continue onward. Could it be possible that nature is willing to sacrifice the human race because humans just don't get it? Could cancer inflict smokers more because the body is designed to punish those of us who do not respect the time we are given on the planet? As the evidence piles up so does man's insults to nature. If nature does hold the judge and jury on our fate, you can bet she ain't to impressed with the last 100 years. Something to think about.

We must never forget that "life" itself has certain characteristics. If we went to another planet and wanted to declare something as being "alive" it must have certain traits like the ability to grow, reproduce and also to defend itself. Nature is certainly "alive" but man's ignorance has never even tried to estimate her capability to defend herself.

With this documentary, I believe we get a firm and conclusively look at just what mother nature is capable of doing. Below is the link to the CBC page where you can watch this ground breaking documentary.


As the theory goes, everything mother nature does is highly calculated. Males are indeed the most dangerous of the two genders so if you believe in the foundations of the theory there is little to ponder as to why the males are being targeted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
