Friday, November 21, 2008

What your grandmother ate can make you die early or live long!

This is the ultimate reason to eat whole organic food and to take care of the environment. In the ground breaking documentary, The Ghost in Your Genes, the natural truth is exposed. Our genes hold the instructions for how we are going to be born, how we are going to live and even how we die. Our genes are set but our genetic expression is not!

Our genes are what is now known as being the ultimate intelligence. Our genes can think, act and move us depending on our environment. If we look into a bright light our pupils constrict to protect the eye. If we place our hand on a hot stove we pull it away in a tenth of a second to protect our skin. Our sensory equipment tests the environment and then our genes do what is best for us on a second to second basis.

Genes can be turned on and off depending on what stimulus they encounter. Everyone holds the ability to be mean or to love and to nurture or to kill. All potentials come as standard equipment. Each potential is activated based on what we experience in the environment. Our genes are keys of a piano. The type of music played on any piano depends on the player, not the piano itself. The piano just responds to the stimuli.

Unfortunately what science is finding out is that our genes are very logical in their design. There is also little need to question our gene's motives too deeply. If one observes genetic expression based on the principle that, "life always protects life" then guessing at why genes do what they do becomes child's play.

Our genes are designed to shorten life span (among other protection based mechanisms) based on the pollution of our environment for one simple reason...... a polluted environment cannot maintain the same amount of life as a clean/lush environment.

In a polluted environment certain genes activate disease, shortened lifespans and inhibit reproduction in order to "ligthen the load" on the environment. If and when the environment starts showing signs that there is enough room for everyone again (clean water, non polluted food sources, less activation of the aggressive part of the brain) then the genes are designed to simply revert back to the program of increasing the number of organisms in the immediate area. (or on the planet in general)

This does not bode well for our generation as we are smack dab in the middle of the most polluted period in world history. When a human eats a factory made cookie, a white flour bagel, a coffee or even pasteurized milk the body receives this as signals/signs that food must be very rare/scarce so it activates it's disease, premature death and reproduction halting mechanisms.

What we are eating today, in most cases, is not food and the body has always been taught that when food is not available it literally has to start reducing life in general. The body's ancient dictionary that contains a memory bank of what real food is does not include chemical laced cookies, highly refined flour, chemical laced/tap water based coffee or milk that was boiled to death. Just like in all human based situations......when things get tight, you start cutting back. Cancer and reproduction elimination is how nature does it's "cutting back".

The first 3 minutes of the video below explains everything. The entire documentary is available for free on YouTube.

This is actually old science documented as far back as the early Egyptians, who wrote of how a bad diet and pollution/toxic materials always spurred cancerous growths in animals and humans. Dr. Weston A Price also documented this "bad food/disease effect" in the 1930's during a 10 year research study.


I have some bad news for anyone who is waiting for this information to come from their conventional GP, the area hospital or from their local health unit. One must act independently and take action with their own habits to make a positive change.

We can no longer be walking satellite dishes, taking in what ever information is thrown at us....without question. We must regain the ability to apply logic to our health regardless of mainstream views, manipulative medical studies or the profit based opinions of highly educated medical dictocrates. (most of which are failing us at every turn)

If conventional health care understood health, why does it fail to produce any improvements in health for our population? Why are the healthy people the people who do not go into the health care system? Why are people like me actually afraid to enter the hospital? Simple questions always provide the most accurate answers?

The message is simple. We not only need to eat organic real foods but we must also purchase products that do not pollute the environment. Are you willing to apply this philosophy during Christmas? When will our population understand that for every product produced, much pollution must enter the environment? (and eventually our own bodies because we are also in the environment) Do we even have enough time to change our views and understand that the plastic toys our children receive at Christmas are what will eventually give them disease and that medications only bring an accelerated death? Only you have the answer because only you can change what you do.

As we can see in the videos above. Our children's health depends on it much more than anyone ever imagined.

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