Saturday, October 4, 2008

Antidepressants - what you don't know

This week we will dedicate most of our time to this one subject so people can get a good look into the murky world of medications and more importantly, the dangerous world of antidepressant medications. Like the majority of all other medications, the side effects are usually much worse than the original symptoms that caused the person to seek medical attention in the first place.

Increases in suicidal tendencies are actually a documented side effect of most antidepressant medications. Increases in weight, increases in depression, increases in negative thoughts, wild and violent mood swings......oddly enough these are all noted/listed side effects of the great majority of medications designed to increase well being and mood.

Click here to read Dr. Mercola's commentary on this odd pattern, where the great majority of medication side effects are much worse than the diseases they are prescribed to treat..

Lets watch the Fox News Report that once again goes over the extreme dangers of antidepressants and the massive withdrawals symptoms that seem to be actually designed into the drugs. Doug Kennedy also reviews the study published in the New England Journal of Medicine that proved these drugs were not only ineffective but they provided increases in depression. (3 mins)

When you combine the fear of getting off medication with a withdrawal reaction so severe it holds the potential to only escalate the disease, it is well advised people steer clear of these drugs. These drugs are so controlling to the mind, psyche and body (in a negative way) that I have witnessed the most intelligent people quickly reduced to a childhood state in a matter of months, never to fully recover.

Depression is a purposeful reaction of the body designed to initiate change. (quit bad job, stop eating toxic foods, stop current relationship/start another, pursue real calling in life etc) This reaction is nothing different in function than a common sunburn, sweating on a hot day or becoming violent during a mugging. These are body reactions, defensive reactions and they are all designed to give the person valuable information necessary for survival. These medications trap the patient in the situation that is causing the depression and dulls the body's signals that are designed to save/help the person. With millions of people taking these drugs one has to ask, "where are all the happy people?"

This is why the ultimate focus should be to make sure people, not currently on this medication, keep it out of their medicine cabinets at all costs. People must recondition themselves before it is too late. A symptom of illness is not a fire alarm to rush to the pharmacy, doctors office or hospital. If you are sick, something within your control is bringing on the illness. Taking responsibility for one's state of health is the largest mental leap of faith anyone can make.

Thank you for taking care of your health. If you want to find out more about the nutrition protocols that are proven to aid in better gut/brain function (a primary factor in depression) just e-mail me at

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