In the last 5 blog posts I believe there are several key points to be remembered when talking about antidepressants. To fully understand the scope of these 5 consecutive blogs they should all be read in sequence and all videos watched.
Never attempt to get off these drugs cold turkey. You will need to work with your doctor, even though all conventional doctors know that the only way they get paid is if you stay ill. A doctor's pay is not tied to curing the patient, that much should be obvious. It is more an insurance issue than anything else. Regardless of the tapering schedule implemented, getting off these medications is often like a 5 mile ride on a 3-legged horse. It is a long, uncomfortable bumpy ride but you eventually get where you are going. Back to the main points regarding this issue.
#1. Antidepressants have been officially proven not to be effective at controlling depression and in many cases they make it worse or facilitate side effects that are much worse than the conditions they are designed to treat.
#2. Antidepressants have been highly correlated with violent outbursts and suicide attempts (and the completion of those attempts). Drug companies were well aware of all these side effects during trials but know the habitual patterns of human behavior so well that marketing dangerous medication is now second nature to them.
The reasons why humans take dangerous medications, even after finding out they have been lied to and that the medications are dangerous, are reviewed in the first blog within this series. Once someone lives a lie, sometimes it is easier to just keep on living it than it is to make a change. Humans rarely like to change, humans often cannot admit they fell for a sales pitch and humans often would rather give control of their lives to others, even if the "others" are doing a terrible job.....this makes sure the blame for a terrible life lies elsewhere and never with the person.
This is basic observational human behavior and it is so set in genetic concrete that drug makers count on it to keep driving sales even after the news finally comes out about how deadly these medications are. These fatal side effects (suicide and murder) appear not only in children on this medication but also in adults, as can be seen in the British News Report below.
#3. Antidepressant manufacturers continually expand their market share by inventing diseases or expanding their medications to new populations. Once the adult market was saturated, the antidepressant manufacturers targeted our children as the new untapped market. There is nothing more appealing (for some parents) than the idea of drugging their out of control children, to keep the stress at a manageable level after both parents come home from work. Due to our modern societal structure (the pursuit of "stuff" at all costs or what is now known as "Keeping up with the Jones's Syndrome") the demand to drug children into a more manageable state was already increasing rapidly. The demand was if the drug manufacturers could just convince parents it was a good and safe thing to do. The recipe for that simply involved some good TV drug commercials, some bogus scientific studies and the usual connections in government, which make Pablo Escobar's drug trafficking administration look like a mickey mouse operation. (hospitals, health units, press releases etc) It just snowballs from there, no real extra effort needed.
Most parents are unaware that the only drug their children need is whole food and that the processed foods being fed to children only aggravate their age-based behavior issues. I am privileged to be able to share with you the best documentary ever made, regarding the child antidepressant issue, by Dr. Gary Null. It is called "The Drugging of Our Children".
Click Here To Watch This Ground Breaking Documentary
Click Here To Watch A Great A PBS Special On The Same Issue
#4. The pharmaceutical industry primarily and consistently targets the poor and uneducated. Is it hard to predict how this cycle plays out? Drug makers move their drugs to the most vulnerable in our society with the tax payers footing the entire bill. Low income earners with low levels of education are the part of society least likely to question conventional notions like a doctor's intentions or knowledge. It is the ultimate trap as antidepressants only bring decreases in health, decreases in income, decreases in life performance and proven decreases in I.Q. If someone who is statistically overweight and uneducated thinks they cannot make ends meet before, just wait until they gain more weight and are completely zoned out on this medication. Drug manufacturers target governments to push their medications on an entire population with no overhead costs for these already mega-profitable corporations. Watch the ABC News Report below on how the poor and vulnerable are targeted as easy prey for antidepressant manufactures.
This is simply a reflection of every drug, not just antidepressants. People on medication rarely want to hear this and the constant thought of many drug users are; "not my drugs, the drugs I take are different and good for doctor could not be influenced like this". This notion is ego protective and has little basis in reality. Healthy people are healthy because they avoid chemicals. Chemicals cannot bring health. It is just common sense.
Click Here To Watch Another Ground Breaking Documentary On The Out Of Control Corruption In The Drug Industry
In the next blog I will highlight everything (diet and certain activities) known to reverse depression but for now lets end this long investigation with some reflection from comedian Bill Maher. (warning - some politically incorrect humor). Laughing does improve mood dramatically, so feel free to laugh out loud. We could all use a good laugh everyday. Not to worry, all will be well very soon.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
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