Billy Mays has also died this week at the age of 50. Unfortunately there is a good chance that Micheal Jackson's death and Billy Mays' death have similar foundations. (medically assisted death is actually the leading cause of death in North America)
It was reported that Billy Mays may have suffered a head injury, from a hard airplane landing, in the days before his death. He returned home and was found dead the next morning.
Did Billy Mays take a prescription or an over the counter painkiller to help him with the pain? Do you think he was aware that taking any painkiller increased his chance of death substantially? Now that he has passed away, how many people around him are likely to be focusing on the medication (if he took some) as the cause of his death?
I have personally observed cases right here in Cornwall when people have passed away just after taking new medications and the medication was never even considered as the cause of death. (even though death from regular dose medication is one of the leading causes of death in North America) Giving the medical industry a perpetual green light, to operate without question, is proving more than a little dangerous.
As noted in the Micheal Jackson blog below, painkillers increase heart attack risk dramatically. Aspirin also increases the risk of bleeding in the brain substantially. This of course could prove immediately fatal for anyone who had already suffered a blow to the head. (an injury that may already involve bleeding in the brain - like in the case of Billy Mays)
Many people take aspirin (via advice from their doctors) yet aspirin has been proven to do absolutely nothing to prevent early death from heart attack or stroke yet has been proven to increase the chances of death from all other causes. Just another dangerous drug masquarding as a healthy choice.
I cannot explain just how dangerous these common painkillers are. Another reason they prove fatal is that they lower temperature. (by shutting down the immune system) This allows the foreign organisms, which were being targeted by the immune system, to further infiltrate the body. How healthy does that sound?
Your body also uses high temperature to hunt and kill cancer cells. How many parents have been explained that when a child is running a very high temperature that the body is protecting itself? When my child was born, the local health unit delivered a care package that included children's Tylenol. The employee of the Health Unit, who delivered the Tylenol, was not aware of these dangers. Why such an effort to push disease causing medication on an unknowing public?
Do you think Bayer, the makers of aspirin, are going to start warning people about the dangers of their products or the dangers associated with painkillers in general? These corporations have long histories of lying to the public. No company is in the business of putting themselves out of business. Bayer was implicated recently for selling HIV tainted medications to third world nations because they refused to dispose of it once it was found to be contaminated here in North America. It was a child's based medication on top of that. Not exactly a company you want to place your trust in.
Remember Bernie Mack, Liam Neeson's wife, Health Ledger, Anna Nicole Smith, Anna Nicole Smith's son, the mother of Kayne West or Tim Russet? How about the not so famous 106,000 people who died as a direct result of prescription medication, in 1999. (that was only the numbers collected from the United States)
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