Thursday, June 4, 2009

Gardasil - Illness and Death

Lets roll the CBS news coverage of some of the side effects that have been linked to getting the Gardasil shot. (HPV vaccine) Why is something that has been linked to 29 deaths promoted within our city, at a government institution that holds the title of "Health Unit"? What does early death and permanent injury have to do with health? Leave a comment below.

Click here to listen to Health Ranger Show #75: Interview with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny on the Dangers of Vaccines. Scroll down to interview 75.

Click here to visit her website called "Saying No To Vaccines".

Why did this information not make it to any Internet homepage? Would any teacher in Cornwall give their students a writing exercise asking them to write an essay concerning the safety of vaccines? If teachers did allow the students to investigate the safety of vaccines, how would the teachers mark the essay? Would the students who presented the unbiased research receive a stellar grade or would they fail the exercise?

Are good marks given for free thought or are our best students just the ones who take their place in the line that leads toward the cliff's edge? Click here to listen to this educator regarding free thought inside our education system.

Leave a comment below. I would enjoy hearing of any situation where a government employee went against the grain and openly spoke against our own government's unhealthy agenda that is often promoted within most government institutions. (opening the doors of our schools to mass vaccination, the over prescribing of children with behavior altering medications, unhealthy foods fed to our children at school, children's Tylenol/unhealthy baby formula delivered free to all mothers courtesy of our health unit etc) I am looking for a hero to highlight.

Drug companies salivate at the wild profit involved with pushing their unhealthy products into government run institutions. It is all about controlling the shepherd to get to the sheep.

Come to Physical Limits today. Try our $10 for 1 month trial. Health is about looking both ways before you cross the street and our health education system can make sure you get both sides of each issue before you make any decision. Call us today at 613 932 4766.

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