As a CHEK certified Holistic Lifestyle Coach (
Level II) and a CHEK Exercise Coach, I provide my advice on health constantly throughout the day. People often stop me during my workouts or at the grocery store to ask my advice on health improvement.
What I can tell you (
with 100% certainty) is that if a person believes one false government endorsed health position, they usually believe them all....or at least a large chunk of them.
False government endorsed beliefs pray heavily on the genetic programming of the human being. Humans feel very comfortable and safe when they are part of the crowd. Everyone wants to fit in and to be accepted.
The urge to fit in is so strong that most people today actually feel more comfortable dying early and taking toxic medications than living their best life just because that is what everyone else is doing.
Our teaching structures have taught the majority of the population to
fear independent thought more than death itself. Fitting in with health, inside North America, often means repeating the false government based health information when a particular topic comes up in conversation at the coffee shop, at work, at home etc.
Unfortunately, many people are infected with this false information and they spread these
mind viruses to whom ever will listen. These people are very easy to pick out in a crowd and I over hear them all the time.
This false information, in most cases, has never had any benefit for the person spreading it and therefore will have no benefit for the person receiving it. I had a friend recently who was going through a hard time. Her girl friend recommended antidepressants because she had starting taking them 3 years prior. The friend suggesting the medications had gained tremendous amounts of weight and had become more depressed and more dysfunctional while taking the antidepressants. So why recommend them to her friend?
That is the primary factor that demonstrates the power of this type of programming. The information spread to others (
the virus) often brings the exact opposite result everyone is looking for. (
antidepressants bringing more depression, vaccines causing more disease, Special K causing more weight instability, chemotherapy/radiation causing more cancer etc) The information being spread has usually failed the person who is spreading it in every way possible. Although the information is completely wrong, the person spreads it to gain acceptance with the largest group in society.
These people talk about getting vaccinated against the flu (
yet get the flu anyway, even though they got the shot), calcium in milk for strong bones (
yet have weaker bones and other calcium control problems like arterial clotting/heart disease, bone spurs, arthritis), potassium in bananas (
yet have no idea what potassium is, what it does or why it is important) and they often have praise for the latest medications they have been given or the great anxiety they feel waiting for the final results of some new medical test they took weeks prior (
yet have only experienced decreases in health under their doctor's care).
That is why people who are unhealthy usually just accelerate in that direction. They have been conditioned to completely ignore the results of the information they have and to focus solely on the fact that said information came from a higher authority. The fact that the information works or not is rarely considered. It is not like a person just believes the false information in one area, they usually believe it all and that is why it is called the "Cluster Effect". It means people who are sick, get really sick in a hurry and rarely pull out of this conditioned nose dive.
It means that the people follow the rules even though those rules are killing them. It is mind programming at the highest level. A free society where no one is really free.
The cluster effects means if someone gets the
flu shot or the
HPV vaccine they are also very likely to
stay out of the sun or use
toxic sunblock when in it,
avoid butter,
eat whole grain products,
not question surgery recommendations,
eat margarine/commercial salad dressings etc,
take antibiotics,
over consume red wine when they hear it may have health benefits,
take aspirin/Tylenol and other painkillers,
feed their children baby formula,
run to the hospital when ill even though the reason for the illness most likely stems from what goes on in the house (
usually the kitchen), avoid breastfeeding to get back to work or avoid breast feeding altogether,
eat whole grain cereals/juice and yogurts for breakfast,
take any drug their doctor prescribes to them,
consume pasteurized milk products often,
tell their friends their diseases are genetic,
help raise money for charities who funnel diseased/poor people's money to drug companies who push unhealthy and often fatal agendas, eats lots of fruit as snacks,
think all fruit juices are healthy for their kids,
think steady state cardio exercise will make them lose weight,
feed Cheerios to their infants as snacks,
think continental breakfasts are a good item to consider when picking a hotel,
think high cholesterol is bad,
participate in all medical tests without question, (
all designed to get you on drugs or on the surgery table more quickly)
travel to specialists outside of town for more unhealthy advice/tests/medications,
shop food based on price/spend lavishly on
items that hold no potential to improve quality of life long term, have coffee addictions,
follow the food guide's advice for eating, use Pepsico's SMART SPOT system or
The Heart and Stroke's Health Check system to help them shop for food,
use Crest/Colgate or other fluoride laced toothpastes,
believe that the news reports are not controlled by the businesses they are trying to sell them unhealthy products,
believe drugs are safe, legitimate, beyond corruption and tested properly,
think that infertility is a call for extra medical pollution in the body,
think mercury fillings are safe,
the fat in food causes fat gain, high cholesterol and heart disease,
use Teflon pans.. etc etc.
The more someone believes in this system, the quicker they get sick. It feeds on itself because everything above has been linked to advanced illness yet the more sick people get the more they adhere to items on the list. The more sick they become the farther into the system they walk.
The mind programming designed to ensure people ignore results (
like telling a child that if drink milk they will be tall and have strong bones) starts at an early age. My rebellious state as a child (
and that of many other children) stem from attempting to fight against the programming or the death of "self". I never had ADHD, I just understood that adults generally never looked happy to me so I wanted nothing to do with the information that produced generally unhappy people. Follow information that makes me overweight, medicatied and depressed.......thanks but no thanks. I fought it tooth and nail then and I fight it now in the same way.
There is a way out and there is hope. It is never too late to get healthy and it can happen overnight. It starts with what you believe and it starts with you taking action. Just start doing something. Read a book for example. Paul Chek's book,
"How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy" is great or try Dr. Mark Hyman's book
"Ultra Metabolism".Thanks for the sell out of my free seminar last Sunday at Summit. Watch for another free seminar coming your way soon. Everyone deserves to be healthy. That is why I do the free seminars and write the free blog. Have a great day.