Monday, February 2, 2009

Illegal to Be Healthy

If you ask anyone to rank "health" as a priority in their life, most will at least rank it in the top 10 or even the top 5. It is good to rank health as a top priority in one's life but how about if the majority of the population associate getting healthy with activities that are guaranteed to make their health worse?

Do you know anyone on medication or who has had surgery? How does a person taking no medication eventually end up on 5 medications? Why do people who undergo one surgical procedure usually end up needing so many additional surgeries?

How does that cycle start and is it actually illegal for your local hospital or local health unit to make you healthier? Who controls what treatments you are offered?

Ask this doctor and find out what millions of North Americans already know. Click here to read what happened to this doctor when he actually attempted to make his patients healthy and provide advice that did not involve side effect laden drugs or surgical mutilation of the body.

All medications hurt the body. The exact ways to which they will hurt the body are listed on the packaging as "side effects". Drug treatments and surgeries differ dramatically from natural healing methods. Side effects associated with healing the body naturally are simply things people would want anyway like weight loss, younger looking skin, improved sexual function, thicker hair, lower body fat, better sleep habits and increased libido etc.

When I meet someone on many medications or who have submitted themselves to multiple surgical procedures I have to ask myself what is the most dangerous ingredient in their situation? Are the medications the most dangerous or is it the surgeries? Are the doctors who hand out the medications the most dangerous or are the drug companies who control the doctor's education the most dangerous? If I could remove or change one thing to save the patient, what would it be?

The most dangerous ingredient in that whole recipe is the patient's belief that chemicals or cutting their body will improve their health? If someone thinks illness is a call for toxic medications or surgery they will only become more ill after the fact. After their guaranteed drop in health arrives, their false belief brings them right back to the hospital for more drugs and surgeries. To stop the cycle you must work on what the patient believes, nothing else.

It is never too late to change the way we think. It is free and it can take less than a second. That means everyone (rich or poor) can be healthy and it can happen overnight. Change your mind and your life will change instantly.

The veil of secrecy applies to most who work inside the North American medical system, as they are all too aware that there are very few success stories relating to the area of chronic care medicine. Lets hear from a nurse who actually quit nursing when she grew to be aware how the system "really" operated. It did not take her more than a couple of years to place it altogether.

We need more people like this nurse who are willing to stand up for the health of the population. Lets watch the story she placed together regarding the reasons she had to quit. The U.S. and Canadian medical systems are mirror images of each other, in regards to making sure it is literally illegal for patients to receive treatments that make them healthy.

Let 2009 be your best year. Let 2009 be the year you step away from the government endorsed advice that keeps you on a treadmill of depression, weight gain and accelerating disease. Let 2009 be the year you place the health of yourself and your family above "keeping up with the Joneses". Healthy is the new cool. Start your best year with Physical Limits and The Famous Revolution Weight Loss Clinic. Call 613 932 4766. We will teach you everything you need to know to protect your health and the health of your entire family.

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