Thursday, January 22, 2009

Are You Dying to Fit In?

If you stopped someone on the street and posed the question, "would you live a lesser life and die early if it meant fitting in with the people around you?" you would get "NO" as the answer in the majority of cases. This goes to show just how much our actions and our words can differ.

There is no doubt in my mind that people today are afraid to step outside the norm and because of that fact many people are paying with their lives. Not only are the majority of people today afraid to step outside what is considered "the standard belief system" they have also been conditioned to believe they are not intelligent enough to formulate their own rules of conduct...........even if those rules are based on simple logic.

Everyone reading this knows the truth about health because it is encoded into every cell in the body. Everyone is already blessed with the genetic intelligence to acquire their best life. We all need to start ignoring the "standard" advice of the day and let our body guide us.

Lets take the "staying out of the sun" advice that our health units, our local government officials and their press releases, our local hospitals and our local doctors trumpet like it is some of the most important health advice anyone could give. Most people are just dying to fit in so they take that information and spread it to their kids, family and friends. This is the driving force that grows the cycle of ill health at break neck speed.

The government knows that good citizens take it upon themselves to spread any information they have received to others. In the "real" field of healthy living there is nothing more dangerous than any above ground life form avoiding the sun.

Here is a short video about that exact subject by Dr. J Cannell. (this would be a doctor who is not dying to fit in and who would never endanger the lives of his patients by telling them to stay out of the sun or advise his patients to use cancer causing, highly toxic sunblock)

How about this doctor who found that sunlight aided with elimination of the flu, osteoporosis, auto immune diseases, depression, fatigue and cancer. The government and the drug companies, who insist on using government channels to distribute their unhealthy products, want to make sure you keep taking your toxic flu vaccine etc. ( CLICK HERE TO LEARN ABOUT THE EVIDENCE PROVING VACCINES ARE HIGHLY DANGEROUS - ESPECIALLY FOR CHILDREN AND SENIORS.)

This information is kept away from you on purpose. It is all part of the larger plan to keep us sick. When we are sick that is when we generate the most profit for the big players in our society. Have you noticed unhealthy people are usually in debt. Unhealthy people are the spenders and the coal that drives our economic steam engine. Unhealthy people may make lower levels of income but they often spend every penny they have and then some. Bad health creates an over spending, easy to manipulate population. Great for big business and government. Not so good for the average citizen.

People who believe standard government based advice unfortunately believe it all. Bad health gets really bad in a hurry because it usually comes in a cluster of unhealthy beliefs. That means if someone gets the flu shot they are also very likely to stay out of the sun or usesunblock, avoid butter, eat whole grain products, not question surgery recommendations, eat margarine, take antibiotics, use sunblock, drink red wine, take aspirin/Tylenol and other painkillers, feed their children baby formula, avoid breastfeeding to get back to work or avoid breast feeding altogether, eat whole grain cereals, juice and yougurts for breakfast, take any drug their doctor prescribes to them, consume milk products, tell their friends their diseases are genetic, help charities funnel hard earned money to drug companies who push unhealthy and often fatal agendas, eats lots of fruit, think fruit juice is healthy for their kids, think cardio exercise will make them thin and healthy, think continental breakfasts are a good item to consider when picking a hotel, think high cholesterol is bad, participate in all medical tests without question (all designed to get you on drugs or on the surgery table more quickly) travel to specialists outside of town for more unhealthy advice/tests, shop food based on price, have coffee addictions etc etc.

Can you guess the health status of the people who make a sandwich out of this advice? Ill health hits these people like a Mike Tyson right cross, devastating their lives and the health of their entire family unit. The more someone believes in this system the quicker they get sick. The more sick they become the farther into the system they walk. There is a way out and there is hope. It is never too late to get healthy and it can happen overnight. It starts with what you believe and it starts with you taking action.

Let 2009 be your best year. Let 2009 be the year you step away from the government endorsed advice that keeps you on a treadmill of depression, weight gain and accelerating disease. Let 2009 be the year you place the health of yourself and your family above "keeping up with the Joneses". Healthy is the new cool. Start your best year with Physical Limits and The Famous Revolution Weight Loss Clinic. Call 613 932 4766. We will teach you everything you need to know to protect your health and the health of your entire family.

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