Click here or watch the same video below regarding a short clip from Dr. Russell Blaylock's lecture titled "Nutrition and Behavior ". When we place non-food items into our mouths...we go crazy......but the body does this on purpose. Let me explain.
The simple fact of the matter is that when people place non-foods into their bodies, the body reacts like it is being poisoned. Poison entering the metabolism is taken as a signal from the physical environment that food is becoming very rare and hard to find. (the body thinks why else would someone place poison in their mouth unless food was not available) The body sees this situation as something along the lines of..."there is one rotten banana to eat and 4 monkeys in the jungle.....how can I change the way I behave in order to maximize my survival?"
The body has very precise reactions to times when there is not enough real food to go around for everyone who lives in the jungle. The body activates a part of the brain that reduces intelligence and logic. That same activation increases violence, depression, paranoia, jealously, fear, rage and all characteristics that promote the body's ability to kill the other monkeys for that one remaining banana. A do or die situation....literally. The body does this by shutting down the more advanced part of the brain (the part you need to be loving and fun to be around) and simultaneously activating the most primal parts of the brain.
The reason the body does this should be obvious. When there is a limited amount of food around to be eaten, what food that remains will go to the most crazy and most violent organism. Survival of the fittest at work. When people eat things that aren't food..........this is what happens in the body.......people go crazy, logic is shut down and so is I.Q.
If you want to reverse disease, attain a more stable mood and lose weight you can call 613.932.4766 to inquire about my upcoming seminar titled "Maximizing Your Weight Loss". The foods that make people crazy also make them over fat. All participants will get a copy of my 8 CD audio set titled "The Biggest Weight Loss Secret In The World". Get healthy, lose weight and reverse disease. I can show you how.
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