Tuesday, May 18, 2010

When Diet and Exercise Aren't Enough.........

Click here or watch the same video below regarding the cholesterol lowering drug Vytorin.

A common myth that often comes with such ads is that the consumer is told to come use the drug after their attempt at controlling their cholesterol fails using diet and exercise....... "when diet and exercise aren't enough".

Diet and exercise are always enough to lower cholesterol........but you need the proper information regarding diet and exercise. Are conventional medical professionals experts on diet or exercise? Unfortunately they're not...........and if they were they would only prescribe medications in very rare circumstances.

Click here to learn about The Revolution Weight Loss Clinic. A weight loss clinic designed to make sure clients lose 12-28lbs (average weight loss) per month plus they learn about all the healthy habits that can make sure they stay thin, toned and disease free for life.

For more information on the side effects of statin medications, which are often not discussed with patients please click here.

Thanks for making the world a healthy place to live.

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